where to get fake lip rings


I'm chilled, don't worry. :lol:

It's good to share some insights, but just hope everytime we speak out on something, it's good to have some knowledge or facts to back it up and not just on twisted concepts. I go through this sort of conversation day in day out with my friends, that's why we click. LOL!
Yeah agreed DD, having facts is important and knowledge is always good. I'm not saying the previous posts are wrong, just a different perspective. I for one am moderately inked up and can understand both sides; I know for a fact the history of tats yet one of the reasons why I went ahead and did it was for the pain -yeah I'm a masochist. Always good to know man :D
for your info i know the origins of tattooing and piercings, just that i dont bother regurgitating everything i know into an online music forum just to prove my point ever so desperately like u do

reyrey said:
tattoo on forehead anyone?

if i'm not wrong this woman got a tattoo on her forehead for a company. one time paid advertisement. imagine walking around with the word 7/11 on your head... HAHA :lol:
well..she can always go..screw it..i got a real tattoo and im not a poseur!

or if its non permanent,she can say...eh.big deal..i can juz wipe it off.and save myself from being called a poseur.
Hahahaha, isn't our society plagued with people of differing personalities and beliefs of all things. Even Body Modification.

Look man, Body Modificiation isn't about being a poseur or getting a fake ring or not. It's that choice to change your look, not everybody likes piercings, tattoos or holes in their ears. It doesn't change you into a bad evil grim person whatsoever, neither will it make you a better peson. Although I do feel like it absolved some problems about insecurity for me. I don't feel the need to 'be' cool.

But wearing a fake lip ring? IMO, it's definitely poseur man. I'm sorry guys, I just think if you wanna do something that badly to get the fake done, then you should really just do the real thing. You know why you shouldn't get a fake lip ring? Because the whole structure of the ring is meant to keep the piercing 'locked'. If you pierce it and put on the lip ring like I did, you will understand what I mean. Being 'locked' in with the constant pain. It's a whole new experience(together with all other piercings) that can never be defined or felt in any other way.

Unlike the normal stud, where the piercing is safe from piercing jewellery rubbing too much on the piercing itself. The ring keeps the piercing in constant motion with the ring. Healing is a bitch, swelling on and off. Your piercing will probably migrate a whole lot if you don't get a ring with the right size. Mine moved a whole centimeter forward.

Best part, getting punched in the mouth with the lip ring on.
reyrey said:
imagine the girl got scammed,after she did the tattoo,7/11 refuse to pay her,hahaha :twisted:

Then she better pray hard her birthday is on 7th November, at least she has an excuse for it. LOL! :lol: