What was, is or you hope yr NS vocation wud be?

i think i've got the best vocation in the army...as a SERVICE PTI
- attached to a secondary school for 1 year
- handled TAF programme for the obese kids
- teach PE lessons & conduct NAFA tests
- no need to wear army uniform,SBO,helmet,rifle,blah blah blah...
- school holidays, more school holidays & many more school holidays

i only went back to unit for FFI & collect pink I/C...ROD loh (my time haven't ORD yet) and since the school i was attached to only had morning session, i knocked off about 3pm daily...school's out at 1pm, i usually hang around the teachers, 'talk-kok/sing-song', do a bit of 'paperwork' then go home...bcoz the principal's a good man, i volunteered to coach assist the athletics team on Sat/holidays...only very few were chosen for this special vocation every year (my batch only 24 NSFs made it out of few hundred shortlisted from units islandwide) but i heard recently there's no more such vocation? but if this vocation still exist, wish this upon a star (or many stars) fellas...you can't apply for it, for my case my name just appeared on the RO and went thru 4 rounds of interview before making the cut, just like S'pore Idol...haha

Reservist > Storeman...sigh, tsk tsk
lol i know that one.

once a gunner always a gunner

khatib camp 23SA 24SA... and others. they got the biggest guns in the army there i believe. but even more trivia, that gateway was only built last year when PM lee hsien loong came to visit what i believe was his former unit. he was chief of arty (BG lee hsien loong)

reservist storeman good wad. you wanna be converted to chiong sua 3sg during reservist??

anyway from wad i know (or knew) there was a demand for your vocation, but instead of sending NSFs they got the TEACHERS themselves to be trained to be instructors. that's the not-so-new army style of pushing the work around
"Once A Gunner, Always A Gunner" - Khatib Camp...Home of the Seow ON PTIs...

heh used to take my IPPT there...

thanx god its OVER !
shinobi : ya lah, i should be thankful to be a storeman...haha...btw they cannot convert me to 'chiong sua 3sg' coz technically i still didn't finish my BMT, lol...i'm due to go for recourse when at the same time i got a call saying i'm selected for the 6-week Service PTI course at SAFTI. I'm blessed with a kind-hearted CO & OC who let me go for the PTI course instead...phew!

fgl : "...once a gunner, always a gunner..." - aiyah i thought its at the gates of Arsenal FC stadium?...kah kah kah!
aah, army army. 5.30 am wake up, crap for pay, crap for bosses...

ok confession time continues... was a BMT instructor in BMTC Sch 2 from '99 - '01. SISPEC 12th ASLC - lim mang kong warriors... if you were there you know what i mean ;)

few things can be worse than having to take a boat to book in. for two years.

thank God i was posted to 3 GDS BN for a few months from '00 - '01. gotta second that earlier thought about the Bedok Corner hawker center - that was one damn grunge yet damn happening hawker. too bad its renovated now. 3 GDS was fun man, nice camp, treated well, no need to take boat to book in, can really enjoy nights off, upp east coast and simpang just a few mins away... aah, bedok!

but contrary to popular belief, BMT instructor life is not easy. Sure we can behave like kings of the camp but really instructors are treated like dirt when the company office doors are closed. the real kings of BMT are the recruits... no kidding.
B vehicle auto tech, now on course in OETI, but passing out soon. quite slack ah lol. but dunnoe how unit life's gonna be like, hope mine is real slack.

I was a driver for tekong MT line. Quite relaxed. Search for durians, catch crab, etc..... That was 7 years ago.
wah lao pablo! haha that's way cool... but i pes B i don't think they would put me there... =(

actually, i hope to get into mdc, but from the looks of how tight and saturated it is, hmmm fat chance...
if you swam in school u might be called up for lifeguard trials. lifeguard lagi slack, their course is a 2-week (or 5 days, i forgot) STAY out lifeguard course in SPT

their job is just to jaga the swimming pool. and mind you, swimming pools in most camps are only open around lunchtime. thats why lifeguards are almost always fat

but dont get your hopes up because ns admin is cock, anyhow posting, and alot of ppl OOC on the first day of the course because they... can't swim
u know what, my 1st band SHADES drummer - was BEST PT recruit in ITD, best PT in Safiinncos - posted to PTI course - only to flunk out COZ HE COULDNT SWIM...

go figure on the admin man....

finally, he ended up playing hockey for Safsa ...
Yup CPC anyhow post people one. Like my friends who downgrade due to slipped disc/backbone problem and got posted to become storemen. Back pain how to carry heavy stuff lol :lol:

Best job in the world = NS magazine staff writer. Report for work in civi and 8 to 5 job. Some of the project clerks also no need to wear uniform
haha MadWereWolfBoy...i think a lot of people don't know this...we're called Service PTIs coz we're all not Pes A combat-fit. Out of 24 in my batch, we're all C1, C2 and even one Pes E ! (FYI no admin cock-up here)..the 6-week training at SPT is a modified PTI course. I think the main reason we're shortlisted was us being active sports-boys back in pri,sec & JC days; we've either played sports at national level or at least represented our school in various different sports...

however the funniest & weirdest thing was that the Pes E fella was the fittest among us all when we took the IPPT...! i understand that he got a hole in his heart that got him downgraded ?!?
my doctor just confirmed my pes C status. tore my acl and mcl (both knee ligaments) during soccer. the only way for recovery is operation so i've decided i'm gonna go for op right smack in the middle of army (: