What was, is or you hope yr NS vocation wud be?

blurred.....!! I was actual from the 3rd Guards until I 'keng' and then kena kicked out. Hehehe....!!! Was somewhere in year 1987 after BMT and then post out. Was in the RSN Band in....probably June 87. Not sure...too long already lah. Hehehe...!! Yes, I did know some of those guys from RSAF and SAF bands too. But names just don't ring a bell now. Hehehe....!! I only rememberd the Director of Music from RSAF was Dragon something, and the SAF can't remember, and RSN was Yan Pei Tuck. Hehehe...!! And yes too, the RSN band was the worst Military band of all. Hehehe...!!! But we got our names as a good Concert band. Well, that's some claim....not really too sure anyway. The SAF Band was the best Military Band during that time and no one can argue about it.

It was really fun, until I kena charged by the C.O. for 40 days but was release the same very day since we have a performance as we don't have a guitarist. Wanna know what I did? Hehehe....!!! Have to PM me already....sensitive issue. Heheheh....!!!

any idea which pes status will i get in with these medical history? Fratured both different legs, eyesight over 2k degrees in total?
eer.... all here army ah?
me! police academy 6 months then special ops(red bus) 2yrs.
ord 5yrs til now no reservist. fun!!!
wah.. u guys make army sounds like a walk in the park...

don't understand ONE bit of what the short forms stands for.. or pes a or b or c stands for and stuff...

anyone care to share a little intro on how life starts with NS?
wyldeboon: Dude, was in the Police force too. Mine was the first batch to go through 6 months of basic training. After POP, was posted to Airport Police...shiok sial! Then after ORD, I was posted to Coast Guard for my reservist. Had a good time too, until I became a teacher and an NCC officer. Automatically, they say I don't have to report for reservist again...sian. I actually miss it. Haven't done reservist for 4 yrs now. I'll die if they force to go for IPPT now!
bro pujangga, wat u meant of tis ah?

"Mine was the first batch to go through 6 months of basic training"

airport is heaven la... eat slp... SOC oso haven,slp,standby but the training,running blabla...damn shiong

Went through 3.5month BMT... posted to some airforce driver unit... then downgraded.. currently same as dhalif.. ASA at some air force squadron :lol:

250days to ORD :lol:
wyldeboon: I entered SPF in Jan 1994. Prior to my enlistment, fulltime PNSmen only had to go through 3 months of basic training at PA. My batch was a guinea pig batch...we were the first to experience 6 mths training. In the end, they didn't consider the logistics involved. We actually had a problem of overcrowding because more intakes are coming in but not enough are moving out fast enough.
pujangga: so u 7yrs my senior ah... which company u in then at PA? i was in delta company. gd la there.macam house like tat,got own toilet and kitchen unlike other companys,sharing the common toilet.

but wat i cant tahan is the unseen "people" and the food.

during ur time ah,got the dish call "ikan masak kicap"? (fish cooked with black soya sauce) normally for lunch or dinner. that dish looks like longkang water and taste sucky sial... tis days... no more liao... the were catered good food...
Before I became MO, I was in the SIR Band (called that during my days). Worst are the NDP and (even worse) SAF Day. We always get the SAF day and not other bands - first to get into the field, and the last to leave the field. We have a birds-eye view of the entire parade square, and so it was interesting to see officers etc fainting like flies in the hot sun one by one while we remained standing throughout the parade. NDP - called to be a fanfare player. But the problem is I'm always on bugle - so have to attend all the funerals and the other parades. Always made to stand in awkward places (usually somewhere high up).

Remember during one POP parade in Nee Soon Camp - I had to climb to the top of the building (roof) - that must have been at least 10-12 stories high (where the canteen is). They build a wooden plank that stuck out into the air. A few steps forwards and it's drop to my death. And the wind was strong. Hard to keep still while playing "last post" due to the wind. That was one scary experience. Gave a new meaning to "walk the plank". My Encik was very sympathetic and stood behind me all the time - perhaps to try to catch me if I should fall off, although I doubt he would be fast enough if that actually happened...

Anyway, after become MO, more exciting stories, but sorry cannot share.

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