What made you start learning your .... ??

Was at my friend's place one day back in the secondary school days. He picked up his acoustic and began playin Sweet Child along with the song. Subsequently i was exposed to Slash, Paul Gilbert, and the door to music, speed and guitars just opened from there.
hey ben......never thought that u learning guitar wld be cos of a dare from a girl. haha. anyway, started when i was like sec 2. the sch offered this cheap guitar course for enrichment, an dmy frens wanted to join so i tagged along. never really thought much of it. since then i always played once in awhile. then i was exposed to satch, vai, angelo etc. then there was gnr, racerx, and all others. so these were like inspirational videos and all. been into it ever since. the weird thing is.......the frens who got me into that old enrichment course dont even play guitar anymore.
dric said:
hey ben......never thought that u learning guitar wld be cos of a dare from a girl. haha. anyway, started when i was like sec 2. the sch offered this cheap guitar course for enrichment, an dmy frens wanted to join so i tagged along. never really thought much of it. since then i always played once in awhile. then i was exposed to satch, vai, angelo etc. then there was gnr, racerx, and all others. so these were like inspirational videos and all. been into it ever since. the weird thing is.......the frens who got me into that old enrichment course dont even play guitar anymore.

HEY!! I have the same situation as you too!! Lol... Mine is also some enrichment programme in school... Started using cheap "kapok" brand acoustic guitar bought from Davis... And yea many of my friends stop playing guitar after the lesson... While those who continued.. We form a band and took part in talentime... And that made me learnt alot of stuffs and the interests on guitar...
I was into any music, anything that was on the radio, but mainly sorta Blink 182, Kid Rock etc. I LOVED the song by kid rock "American Badass", it was odd however, because for once I found i didn't like the words, just the music in the background, which didn't ususally draw my attention. I showed it to an older brother of a friend of mine, and he said "that's Metallica". The music on that number is Sad But True. I then realised I wanted to play music, specifically Metallica. I picked up a guitar..and the rest is history. True story - match made in heaven!
evenes said:
i saw the november rain video where slash was standing on the grand piano and i jus knew i wanted to play that thing whatever it was. so got miself an acoustic and it all went on from there...

hey...same here man....i listened to GNR back then and dreamt bout playing the guitar like slash...unfortunately i played more of their(GNR) riffs than their solos... :P :lol: but i got myslef into classical guitar classes, no acoustics for me... :wink:
i was exposed to music since i was a kid.. but it was mando pop back then.. then when i was in primary school.. it was old old bands like the beatles, shadows, frank sinatra.. and wat have u.. with all the oldies tht my dad alwasy listens to... and at the age of 12.. i wanted to pick up an instrument.. and drumz were like my first passion.. but instead of taking tht up.. i took up guitar and nv looked back ever since.. was playing acoustic for several years till Oasis came in.. followed by GnR.. then PAUL GILBERT... whu changed my playing career.. haha.. and till now..hehe..
I started not long ago when my friend pass me his guitar to hold while he buys food from the canteen...

Hehe... just touching the sound board and feeling 'her' rest on my lap makes me fall in love with guitar...

Don't even know why, I just love guitars... but the fact that I never been to jamming shine some light... I ain't good at it but I still love playing it!
heard this song on the radio back then... the plucking just fascinates me, the way it's played... wanted to learn to play that song badly, it's called "More than words"... but even till now, still can't play the whole song including the solo at the end... =(

Then, there was Slash... "Knocking on Heaven's Doors" and "November Rain"...
I can't really remember why i picked up guitar.... but....

Lookin' at SRV play...WOW...kept me going...heh....
along the way....Bryan Adams and Eric Clapton....

and DHALIF!!!! \m/

Watched some music dvd's, mainly metallica and though " wow I want to have something that they have, even if i will never be as good as them, I want to have a go"

And so I bought an electric for $50aud on the internet and yeah, that was almost a year ago but I only really started to properly get into it about 6 months ago,