what is the most ideal age to get married?

Scream_ed said:
Very true, stillwater...I mean compared to having to shoulder the financial burden of having a family.It's not about right or wrong, just whether you are ready for it or not.
wah u dun wan enjoy the joy of marriage??
hving kids bah...
:prayer: :prayer: :prayer: :prayer: :prayer:
pooo said:
well, would you (plural: all of you reading this) prefer your other half to be into music as much as you do, or it doesn't really matter? Just curious to know...

I definitely would man. It's better to have a wife who'd be interested in trying out the new piece of gear you just brought home than having to explain to her why you didn't spend on that bracelet/necklace etc.

that's the agony im going thru... :lol:
I din say dun want. But I dun look at things in isolation. With the joy comes also the responsibilities. If I'm not ready and able to shoulder that and be responsible, it's not time for me yet then. It's not only about me mah, also have to be fair to my other half.
Flip that burger

Hmm it seems that there hasnt been a mention of the other kind of wife.

My wish is to marry someone thats not in the music scene. A definate No No. The more mainstream she is the better, cos at least I will have money to buy the equipment. HAHAHHAHH

I'd rather stay at home and do the laundry. Can wake up late,sleep late, do music. Hell Yeah!!!!
Of course us musicians would love to have our other halves as musicians as well. But having a relationship with a musician , it does not mean that you will end up marrying him/her right?

Like they say...Love is blind :?
Scream_ed said:
Newbie said:
you got money can get married anytime lo.

Got money, but no woman, how ah? :lol: :lol: :lol:

go vietnam wif a big ang pao, the pretty ladies will all queue up for u...

end of the day: bring home a meek pretty wife n live happily ever after...
how wonderful life is... u can never find these qualities in a singaporean girl... they juz can't stop complaining :lol:
thats the right spot

Hey Stillwater I hear u I feel u........

They always just wanna talk about things...cannot relak one corner.
Re: thats the right spot

Darren said:
Hey Stillwater I hear u I feel u........

They always just wanna talk about things...cannot relak one corner.

ya boy, n the worse thing is they are so ugly... beneath those facial powder, rebonded hair and expensive clothes... and wif all those yakking noise they produce... no wonder they ended up on the shelves... :lol:

n the worst thing is that they still go on yakking and yakking... :lol: :lol: :lol:
ok let's not turn this into a bash-singapore-women thread. let me say from too many years of experience that american girls are way noisier. i like singapore chicks, there are a lot of hotties here. look around, it's true.

anyway, to answer the thread topic: the best time to marry is....never. for me at least. i can't stand kids, so i don't need to get married just so my kids aren't born out of wedlock. and a solid relationship is a solid relationship, whether you have the marriage cert or not. so i don't really see marriage as something i need or particularly want at this point in time.
white man come steal our land

How old is u Ninja? Sounds like you scored on both islands. Then take it from us who have had many experiences with our local women too.....
Its good to have your partner interested in what you're doing too! Imagine, bringing home this HOT whatever (guitar, gear, amp blah) and your partner goes, "WOW where did you get that?! I want one too!" and you start yaking about how cool it is and what it does and your partner actually understands what you're saying, instead of nodding out of politeness. Way cool :D

Best age to marry: 24 and above. Technically, you'll have enjoyed all you want and its time to settle down. For women, anyway. For guys you must still consider the financial factor ;)

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