what if u break a string during a gig?


New member
hey this may sound kinda stupid, but what would u guys do if u popped a string in the middle of a gig? change it there and then? improvise the whole song with your remaining strings?

personally, i'm inexperienced so i'd probably panic and not know what to do :P
haha i've seen it happen at many concerts before, I think its not uncommon to see them, but usually they will improvise on the other strings instantly. :D
yea improvise with the other strings... and hope the other strings dun go out of tune due to the broken string. haha. and do a chop chop changing of string in between ur set. or u could also do a backup song which only requires 1 guitar while the other guitarist change his strings... thats for a 2 guitarist band obviously, so that the flow of your gig won't be stumped
see, this is why you should know your fretboards well. where is A, B etc.
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always bring a back-up i guess and improvisation is something you must have not just when you pop a string during a gig.
The show goes on... Same if the drummer drops a stick, breaks a drum head/cymbal, or the kick drum pedal fails :D

Good on ya for thinking about it.
but if you change the string in between the set, wouldnt the sound go off?
cos normally using a new string during a gig, alot of tune-ups would be involved right>?
i remember aaron from allura's string snapped like in the first few song. Thank God he had spare strings and changed them immediately. :)
There is a certain technique to changing the string that helps it to stay in tune better.

Pull the string onto the machine head with your left hand while your right hand holds the string above the fret board.
Your right thumb should press the string down hard at the third fret then you curl your fingers to stretch the string so that the area above between the third fret and the nut is tight as you wind the string on.

By pulling the string tight as you wind on you will pre-stretch the new string and then it wont stretch and go flat during your set. with practice you can get a new string on most guitars (excet floyd rose types bridge) and tuned in around one min
Pick lightly, 1/2 week old strings, will never snap. If it does - you're f*cked

I'm referring to the fact that your remaining string would most likely go out of tune.. Lol.. Lesson learnt, don't use floyd rose!
But there goes them divebombs! :???:
Improvise is the only way out but the licks may not be suitable for the song. my suggestion is to change the string b4 you gig. This method maybe a chore but a new set of strings does improve the tone of your guitar. However it would not be economically feasible if you gig every week.
thats why always restring days before a gig and dont try to be some punk and strum like there is no tomorrow(not saying that punk rockers strum like no tomorrow.apologise if i hurt anybody's feeling)
carry spare pack, and change strings regularly. some of the reasons why guitar string sets cost less than $10 and bass string sets cost $30+++
Do a hoedown like Ashlee Simpsons.


Always bring an extra packet; full.

Bring your peg winder (the thing you turn the tuner heads to speed up stringing processes)

Do it in between a song quickly, it happened before when I was doing my first song.

Meanwhile, get your vocalist to interact with the crowd. If you're the vocalist, ask your guitarist to do a hoedown.
other than improvisation,
you can try to tell the crowd that you snap the string.
and have to restring.
restart the song again and apologize to the crowd and your bandmates.

that was a joke.
but seriously, is this acceptable??