Life is short ... play hard...
Sex is fun, pre-marital sex, whatever sex....
Logic is this, how do you know you can live through next year, how do you know you will get married, how do you know the future???
If life is about constraining, you may regret in the future when shit happens, you will ask the question why, WHY DIDN'T I....!!!
But yet, if you jump around having sex all over, you do face dangers, dangers of pregnancy, dangers of AIDS etc...
So the question is, how to balance things up where you don't fall to both extremes???
I will say this man, if you want, have sex with the ones you feel for, your gf or bf at least.. But if you cannot control, do use condoms...
But there is one other word that never seems to appear in this thread, why didn't anyone think of PETTING???