eh bros, consider again...
real life, we have pple walking around who doesn't know her family, haunts them now and will haunt them for life...
another, unplanned for kid, now hitting 20, how would you feel, if your whole life you live with your dad saying 'i never wanted you...'.
when i was overseas, many single teens in my area screaming their heads off at their kids cos they don't know how to handle children... working because forced to quit school to support. prob didnt have the heart to abort. alternatively, they do abort, but somehow despite all the rationalisations, still live with guilt for years.
and hey, my family is a bit beat up too, its rough to grow up without parents uknow?
20 years down the road.. do you really want that for your kids?
for the guys, even without pregnancy, pms is fun? sure, no question about that... but tts cos its quite an experience yes? ...and so the memories will last a really, really looong time... into your next relationship, into marriage, if you do marry. plays havoc with the mind sometimes uknow?
for those who've done it before, peace, no condemnation, cos none of us are perfect... but just because most people do stuff a certain way doesn't mean its right.
u have needs, alamak, give your mum a kiss and hug lah. freak her out if u must but she'll prob enjoy it after a while.
im not some holy guy, but just my pov.
eh n who else was it tt works at hitachi tower...? maybe ill see u @ e sandwich shop