New member
Avria, sweet axe you got there 

haha thanks man, all the other S series are gone even the S320i went in all the higher ends and the s470 are gone. left the S320,S670FM and other SA series heh and i'm number 47 in the queue >< FTW :twisted:
haha. JS signed it with a marker LOL =D just kidding:mrgreen:
i bought a hand hammered hh 20" jazz ride
and a few other stuff...
but that's my favorite item..i'm gonna keep it forever haha.
it's got some weird signature at the back btw..i don't know whose it is. but it doesn't look printed on. it's some permanant marker signature..
The sale was kinda BS, they cranked up the regular prices,so in the end, there wasn't much difference.
wooa cool how much was it bro? did you managed to get the 10% off extra?
Oh yeah some items had this treatment, eg the GT-10 went for $931 after "40% discount".The sale was kinda BS, they cranked up the regular prices,so in the end, there wasn't much difference.