what are your plans for xmas eve and xmas day?

morning- friend's wedding
afternoon- relax
evening- family dinner
night- poptart!

christmas day

morning- church
afternoon, night- whatever comes along :)
christmas eve: hope this gal agrees to go out with me... otherwise watch tv and rot in front of both the tv and com...

christmas: hope i can go out or other wise watch tv and then go to com and rot again

:cry: damn sad man my christmas... i'm not christian by the way, lol, just said that so as to prevent u guys from thinking that the culture is eroding in me... christmas, i feel, is one holiday almost everyone irregardless of race or religion loves to celebrate...
yar christmas is, howver still a religious event! :lol: thx every1 for celebrating!

Chirstmas eve:

12noon party
3pm party
6pm party
7pm dinner
12midnight mass

Christmas day:

1am party
3am party
5am party
6am slp
12noon party
3pm party
6pm party
9pm party
12midnight party
3am drop dead

yeha right... how i wish... now... time to look for parties to crash or i'll just have to party with my guitar at home... me, myself, my guitar :twisted:


not forgetting the star of the show: jesus christ! :p
i love xmas. i wish there were more ppl askin for bands to perform for xmas gigs. i'm dying to sing some xmas songs ah. i'm quite sure my parents are sick of hearing me shout them outloud at home..
xmas for me is just alot of family lunches and dinners..
christmas eve:

morning - play need for speed most wanted
noon - play guitar
afternoon - play guitar
evening - play need for speed again
night - come soft and wish every softies merry Xmas eve

christmas day:

morning - come soft and do a season greeting
afternoon - go over my sis house and make christmas dinner
night - enjoy the christmas dinner...
Christmas eve: sleep
Christmas day: Most likely also sleep.

Gotta fight the food poisoning tt's in me. What luck this yr.
Eve: Movies and dinner with someone! (King kong or narnia? I can't decide!)

Xmas day: Family day. I think. =\ I want presents! Lol =p
Vaiyen said:
I'll be lying in bed while Santarina punishes me.

btw, king kong is an awesome awesome movie.

with chains and hot wax i presume?? hahah im being sick
Eve aft - Jam.

After that: Dunno? Someone suggest something to do man, I wanna go out but my frens like claustrophobic about crowds. -_-

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