We are in the top 10 category for places to find sexy girls!!!

err.. vick, you look KIND of young. i don't think the "body" would have matured by your age.
even zoe tay got her Ds only when she got pregnant in her 30s.besides this kind of thing hard to say.. i'm sure you always hear/read many many models say this "I used to be a tomboy when I was young!" , not that you're a tomboy, but just look "less-feminine" on your profile pic...btw i think you look like another popular softie girl who plays the guitar but suddenly i forgot her name/nick.
It's cause Singapore has a lower population of women. So beautiful women in a ratio of women in generally, will still be alot ! :mrgreen:

The population now stands at 4.59 mill where women outnumber men silghtly says ST's article. About 1.8 mil to 1.77 mil.

Guess the ratio just went up!
But how come I don't see 'em (the sexy ones i mean)?
Could be just an everyday sight that we don't seem to notice 'em anymore?

...or maybe its just me LOlz
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im 15, 172 cm.
weight i shall not mention. hahah
and yes im not the epitome of femenity :P

i pwn boys :D

i have to say it's scary when girls hit on you and you only find out some girl has had a crush on you IN PRIMARY SCHOOL
vick : hahah wah you're really tall for your age / gender. see what I mean? who knows maybe next time you decide to dress up / make up etc. then you've got what average girls dont : height. and that could turn out to be (physical) beauty. skali you become miss universe singapore 2018. then i'll be reading this magazine article "vick (soft.com.sg model) : I used to be a tomboy!!!"

akisan : yea, i used to date A to F age 18 - 38 (some freakin milfs just know how to play their cards) to support my theory of "well endowed, but they don't work." big bust no eq/brain/no charm/deadfish/etc. i was just using zoe tay as an example of a late bloomer.
i dont know why both my parents arent tall.
well my mom is slightly above average but still.

hydrofly> 176 is fine lah i'd still date you! LOL.

oh what do you GUYS think about dating girls taller than you. has been a topic of discussion with my gal pals.
oh what do you GUYS think about dating girls taller than you. has been a topic of discussion with my gal pals.

I feel like Tom Cruise! :mrgreen:
Kidding. I'm a hobbit, so I'm used to dating partners taller than me. I guess I have to rely more on being an interesting character since I can't use physical attributes to charm the opposite sex ;)
vickomaniac : you're 15. those fats are still "baby fats" , you should see some of us guys with the gut belly. these ARE permanent fixtures.

i'm 183cm (and a 100kg) now in my mid 20s., when I was 17, (178cm/75kg) a sch dropout (still is) i was very interested in this girl who was 21 and 182cm tall (a top computer science NUS student). but she never gave me a chance :( I had to "RUN" after her when she was WALKING to the bus stop to ask for her number.

oh my god CLAIRE WTF????????????

im gonna make my friend take it down.


blueprint>steady lah. so very tcs drama :D
vickomaniac;690119. hydrofly> 176 is fine lah i'd still date you! LOL. oh what do you GUYS think about dating girls taller than you. has been a topic of discussion with my gal pals.[/quote said:

I'M PERFECTLY COOL WITH DATING SOMEONE TALLER THAN ME ..IN FACT I'D WELCOME IT.... but my wife wouldnt be too pleased .. :-)
eh blueprint, 100kg? I think maybe we should go running together :D.

I don't plan to get attached anytime soon, A levels this year, then NS. Then university, I wanna do architecture or interior design, preferably architecture, but its a bloody crazy course. Sometimes you have to work for 48 hours.
The survey's a total farce,if you were to ask me.Seriously,were the surveyors being seduced by SPG's when they were doing this?Cos their take on Sg girls are really off the mark.

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