We are in the top 10 category for places to find sexy girls!!!

hydrofly> good luck for your A levels :)
i might be going to australia straight after Os to foudation year.
fast track to my dream job whoo!
hydrofly : haha, well i've been trying to diet. i'm actually quite okay with the 100kg, i do have to admit my wife is a great cook. as someone who once eat to live, now live to eat. happy couples put on weight together and see lor, try lose weight together also.
silenscer> no worries man.
i was 1.69 when i was 14, now im 1.72 and ive stopped growing.
i useed to tease my guy friends for being puny but most of them are taller than me now :(
Vicko, you're tall! o.O Ahaha, I was short when I was like 13 too. I was 1.59 or something like that. But I'm 1.75 now. =D
no worries man i had 2 10cm growth spurts when i was turning 13 and 14.

and i assume you're a guy, still can grow another 15cm lah..
dating girls taller than you.

I think it shows a lot of confidence. I really don't see what's the big problem with this. Power!
no worries man i had 2 10cm growth spurts when i was turning 13 and 14.

and i assume you're a guy, still can grow another 15cm lah..

My cousin makes fun of me cos she's born in February, I'm born in November, same year, but she's 5cm taller, even though I could overpower her 2 hands with just one, and one hit from me would be like 10 - 20 times more painful than hers...

And I exercise alot :p
im born in januaryyy :D
betsybug> maybe it's just me and a few of my friends. (the taller girls)
we dont take very well to the idea of dating shorter guys =/
Apparently you won't grow very tall if you're a couch potato whose only exercise consists of shredding. papers and wishing you had an SSI industrial shredder
hydrofly : actually , alot of people think I play basketball cos of my built. they asked how did you grow so tall (cos i used to be like 1.6) , I told them : "lots of IRC and ICQ"

but apparently for children/infants, one important factor to help height growth is to get lots of rest/sleep. I recall only starting to grow taller when I slept alot. cos I liked to stay up to watch sunrise ever since K2. and slept in the day. awake at night.

so get your rest.. boys and girls..
I only sleep like 2 hours a day

Actually, being short has an advantage... I can climb into my locked classroom through the window with some panes missing. :p
we dont take very well to the idea of dating shorter guys =/

But why?? :confused:
Is this view DNA-imprinted, or socially-ingrained, or culturally-transmitted?
Seems like a cave-girl thing. :(
Must be why there are so many single well-educated women in Singapore (you know - they won't marry lesser-educated guys, and guys won't marry better educated girls). Such a waste of good DNA. Bah!