We are in the top 10 category for places to find sexy girls!!!

i think it's a best of both worlds thing.
generally speaking mixed bloods are nice looking.
especially those mixed with angmoh, korean, jap, and filipino
(although some turn out to be crap. like me :( )
For me,athletic/sporty looking women with nice bronzed tanned skin with great sense of dressing winsss my vote. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
oh i went japan earlier this year. the country is beautiful, their courtesy and culture is beautiful. and so are their people! haha..

to have a taste of 0.0000000001% of japan. go to meidiya, one of my favourite places.
Trust me, when you have been to Japan and seen the girls there - you will feel like you don't want to have your eyes open walking around in Singapore.

Ok, don't get me wrong. There are still lots of beautiful girls in Singapore but the ratio of pretty ones against the average plain Janes are a lot, lot higher in The Land of The Rising Buns.. oppss, I mean Sun.

Don't even get me started on how having a real Japanese girlfriend feels like.

vicks=although some turn out to be crap. like me

Aiyah, you not done yet lah. Still got a ways to go, my friend (like peeking at biscuits in the oven halfway thru baking).
Trust me, when you have been to Japan and seen the girls there - you will feel like you don't want to have your eyes open walking around in Singapore.

Ok, don't get me wrong. There are still lots of beautiful girls in Singapore but the ratio of pretty ones against the average plain Janes are a lot, lot higher in The Land of The Rising Buns.. oppss, I mean Sun.

Don't even get me started on how having a real Japanese girlfriend feels like.


I trust you 10001% !!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
(even tho i've never been to Japan!!).

Had a few Japanese frenz over a few yrs.... Oops! I think I've said too much
vicks=although some turn out to be crap. like me

Aiyah, you not done yet lah. Still got a ways to go, my friend (like peeking at biscuits in the oven halfway thru baking).

awwwwwwwwww betsybug always so sweet :mrgreen:
now, that i would like in a guy :D

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