We are in the top 10 category for places to find sexy girls!!!

vicks=MOST girls like the sense of security
My advice? Stay out of dark alleys then. I mean, we are in the 21st century, and girls still go around with these sorts of complexes rattling 'round in the heads? Double bah!

hydrofly=That's tosh! For my little clique and me at least!
Glad to hear it. There are lots of 30ish/40ish single women with Masters out there - go get 'em, tiger. :) FYI, I'm just going by what the newspapers say that surveys show.
nah sorry vick, no time :D. Having to excel in music and JC studies at the same time is incredibly stressful. I have to do both or my parents won't support my music, their supportive now for as long as they think I'm a good enough musician.

betsy- I'm 17. Relationships? No goddamn time! The local education system is really stressful, throw in the factor mentioned above? It's a miracle I've not been warded for post traumatic stress disorder.
Hey but seriously, who here would not date a girl who's better educated than you are (provided she wants to date you lah...)
Unfortunately, I have rarely been discriminated against, in the dating game. :mrgreen:

Many, many colours, many languages, various levels of education but only 2 sizes (S - M, no fbomboms or coffeetable asses for me :mrgreen:).

After all, in the end we share the same primal needs and yearnings.

No matter how intellectual the conversations are, no matter how pretentious, no matter how exciting the mind games - it all usually goes down to those few directions - love and sex. The feeling of belonging.

That on-so-lovely sense of touch.

That emotional connection.

Anyway, I have came across many people who are 'highly educated' but they don't come across as having much substance when they open their mouths. And I am talking about ex-colleagues whom I saw everyday, and made up of government scholars and all that.

So, I have never been so pre-occupied with the 'perfect one' cos beautiful people are everywhere, and it's really up to you how you perceive 'beauty' too.

So, there are many, many, many different kinds of beauties.

Don't need to over-complicate things.

Enjoy whatever comes your way, and appreciate them, and keep them in your memory.

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beauty/lust is in the eyes of the beer/beholder.

"Sexy", as defined by the dictionary, is being "Sexually Appealing" in a single context.

By this, I would take it to mean, I'd find a girl sexy, if she's the kind of girl I'd like to hump on the spot. Not being lewd, not being funny. It just is.

Having travelled to 39 cities in 13 countries around the world, I'd have to agree, Singapore girls are amongst some of the sexiest in the world. Especially our beloved Ah-Lians...

You know why? Because Ah Lians and Ah Bengs are actually very much our local natives. And honestly, many of the so-called Ah Lians aren't even very much Ah Lians... It's others who call them that. They're just being... local. You get them in almost every country. We just call the Ah Lians. The Japanese call them KoGals.

If being local means being Ah Beng, then I am indeed a self proclaimed Ah Beng and proud of it.

But do we have many attractive girls in SG? by attractive, means I'm drawn to them for more than pure carnal knowledge. Unfortunately, no. I find many local girls very much caught up in their own world, and are trying too hard to insist on equality in an unequal world.

Yes, my wife is local. But she is there because of traits I've learnt to appreciate in various individuals in a few countries. She somehow encompasses what I wanted, when I used to date those other foreign girls. she has all the good traits of those foreign cultures, as well as those of our local culture, but none of the irritating local hangups... (trust me, there are a lot). All you have to do, is date a girl from our local singapore corporate world, and then compare them with our neighbours. Date a girl from KL. You'll find a VAST difference.

Then again, I think I'm digressing too much... Hahahahahaha...
many local girls very much caught up in their own world, and are trying too hard to insist on equality in an unequal world.

I think their sense of equality is something like: "everything is equal, but you still have to pay for dates and stuff, and act the traditional gentleman".
I think their sense of equality is something like: "everything is equal, but you still have to pay for dates and stuff, and act the traditional gentleman".

"...And open doors for me, or pull out chairs... But we're going dutch so don't expect me to put out tonight after dinner.":mrgreen:
well singapore does have some hot tail...i always preferred singapore girls to american ones. but then i do have a thing for dark hair.
I think their sense of equality is something like: "everything is equal, but you still have to pay for dates and stuff, and act the traditional gentleman".

Aye. I've never met a girl who doesnt think likewise!
The 'full impact' will not be felt until you're married LOLz.

Maybe its a culture thing.... ;)
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IMO, girls and guys are good at their own stuff.
but overall girls better lah :P

and yes, everyone likes a gentleman.
thin line between being gentlemanly and taking women as weak creatures and fawning obsessively.
betsybug :
"I think their sense of equality is something like: "everything is equal, but you still have to pay for dates and stuff, and act the traditional gentleman"."

hit the spot there....

Whitestrat : cheers man, as a newly wed myself, I too have made that similar choice to yours, "She somehow encompasses what I wanted" , the entire package. the good of everything packed in one. more good than bad, there's bad, but not as bad as the typical nonsense you get from local girls.. perfection in imperfection.
Hmmm, quite a fair bit for the Vicks to take back to her girlfriends to chew over. Wonder what they will make of it all, tho'.
cheers man, as a newly wed myself, I too have made that similar choice to yours, "She somehow encompasses what I wanted" , the entire package. the good of everything packed in one. more good than bad, there's bad, but not as bad as the typical nonsense you get from local girls.. perfection in imperfection.

Congratulations... Welcome to married life... As you'll soon learn, when it comes to your wife, there is no bad... only good... Remember that...:twisted:

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