on the topic of female underwear, I feel most local chinese females wear their bras wrong. it's all displayed on their back when they wear a material thin enough to show the bra straps and all. it's either too tight, or wrong "height" position.that's the problem with the back, and the problem with the front is when they wear a "pushup" bra and they over do it (maybe linked to the "back" being too tight). malay ones who are usually more endowed probably know their body part maintenance already. i'm not talking about stereo type malay average "bigger" than chinese. i'm talking about the way they (usually chinese girls) wear it. it's just wrong and it's bad for health. (breast sa.g and may cause cancer in the long run). and some wear a cupsize smaller than their actual measurement, thats bad too.
btw on what gut.piss said , no undergarments may sound sexy to 90% here. but personally I think it's quite unhygenic. and can cause more problems when the "time of the month" hits unexpectedly.
and I think malay girls need to know how to do alot of make up because they're not like chinese "fair skin" ones , so they need to add that "contrast" to their facial features and on average they do it pretty alright. some of the chinese girls overdo it with makeup sometimes until they even look like some "KTV hostess". it's degrading.
ahem.. coming from a guy who used to shop with girls alot, and was forced to read women's magazines and watching alot of Oprah when accompanying them to their pedicure/manicure sessions.. some of you band guys should try it, then you'll know how your gf feels when she sits through your hour long jamming practices...
i hope i haven't offended anyone here on what I've said. just trying to make this thread more interesting read for both genders.