Warning to all fellow softies!

tip for noob sellers: always lay the ground rules first. otherwise things will go out of hand.

you might have found something like this on my buy/sell threads. i've put them up for years and the rules haven't changed much

  • price fixed. no reserve
  • preferred location is kembangan MRT. pm to arrange
  • first come, first serve. pm me to deal
i think reserve is a damn selfish thing to do. a reservation is just a high class word for a promise backed by a *lack* of money. how the hell does that work? if you will only have the cash in 1 week, then call me in 1 week.

i don't believe in reserve price, because it encourages reserving, which obviously doesn't work. too many complaints on SOFT already

i don't agree with bidding if it is not done properly. where a bid is concerned, the seller needs to be transparent of the bids, and it should not be hidden. the seller also has to determine a start and end date/time for the bids. it is very troublesome to ensure fairness. i believe bids should be handled by ebay, where there already is a reputation system, and the bids are legally backed.

i don't have a problem with lowballing or bargaining, because the seller is always in control of the deal. if you don't want people to lowball, don't put "negotiable". i always say prices are fixed, but there are occasions where the buyers contact me personally to bargain, and sometimes i oblige depending on speed and convenience. that is my discretion. but personally i will usually set the prices as low as i will go, because the long wait for a buyer is not worth a few measly bucks
Mmm.... If they resort to intimidation, don't be afraid =/ Because as long as he doesn't get the price he would love to have, he'll lose out in the end :D

At the most, bring your kaki along la... Not to threaten, but INCASE :P
asshole buyer. if i meet such people i'll just not agree to the sale. so yes, unless your friend was physically threatened i don't see why he would have agreed unless he was really strapped for cash
bring two big sized tattoo friends with u everytime u deal with others.make sure three of you stand forming a triangle with him inside it.
yeah well i got kena like this too... agreed on a stipulated price of 40 bucks, came all the way to plaza sing to deal where he's supposedly works... came up to him and a call came which took him like fu*cking 5 mins to finish up... waste my time and said

"boy, i only got 30 with me la, if not i just take one." saw a COUPLE of 50 bucks note in him... and since i was really strapped for cash to get something on that day, i just let the thing off for 30 too.....

but the thing was i remembered seeing him from the sg drumfest... said to be one of the INSTRUCTORS in music clef.. oh wells he's not jimmy lee for sure.

oh wells... i learnt a few new ground rules when dealing here.. thanks guys!

*oh and just to add, club paradise ain't really of a nice place to jam... i jammed there once in the late of 2006, well since i thought it opens till late i make a reservation by calling at 11+ and i get scolded by the person not to call there late in the future... jammed there, ain't really fly.. freaking small, and the person got like to test out the kit after our jamming session as if i have broken a thing or two.. and yeah never really came back to that place again*
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if i sell my stuffs,

- set a "buy now" price
- negotiate before meetup
- must be at my convenience
- bring big-sized friends
- no negotiation upon meeting up
Most studios

Most studios I went they would like to test on their stuff after customer Jamming. It notting new to me.
i would fall for this if i have never read this post..

coz i wont hav a single thought of budging out of the deal if i were already at the meeting place..aha..Thanks bro!
What happen?

Ya what happen? 1min share 1 min deleted. Maybe it a miss understanding. if you are the seller or buyer do speak up so we can learn from one and other the do and don't in buying and selling.Hahaha..
yea, actually no misunderstanding. the reason why it got closed down is because he threatened to call the police for defaming or something like that? so not to make matters worst and waste time.. just gotta give into ppl like that i guess? sigh. wat to say? they wake up in the morning and dont like wat they c in the mirror.. sry la =X
Perhaps his parents are huge fans of Charles Bronson nia.

Wish there are more real macho heroes.

Nowadays, the 'heroes' are effeminate long-haired, lipstick (or at least lip gloss)-wearing lady-boys with perfect hair and skin. Think Korean 'hunks'.

Oooppsss... did I say 'lady-boys'?

That sounded so wrong.


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