Warning to all fellow softies!

lol cowardly prick..... everyone bring their chinas and do a "peaceful" demonstration in front of his studio la.. then one of us go and bang the chinas on his ears.. best!
I hope everyone learn something from this thread and move on. Even the thread starter has removed his post in the first post. Hmmm.. he must have some update but did not post in the thread anymore. Pity.
Bronson, seriously please show up and tell your side of the story, instead of mindlessly threatening someone.
Well as you all should have gotten a picture by now, Bronson actually called us to take down his name as well as HP number. He threatened us with going to the police on the context we were defaming him, and can cause him to lose his job as a result.

I did not take the post down because we did anything wrong but felt perhaps it was a bit overboard that a small transaction like this could escalate into something like that. When I tried to pursue the matter, Bronson said that he himself did not gun/knife point my friend into selling him at a lower price. But I guess you all have heard Zildjian92's side of the story as well. Personally, I feel that Bronson was really out to make the best deal he can get but really went overboard with matters.

If a certain price is agreed already, buyers and sellers should stick by it really. Unless there was some of kind of hitch that the seller failed to bring up - like a crack on the cymbal or low fret life for guitars and basses. There was once I tried to deal with this seller, and we both agreed beforehand at 210. On the day of transaction, I really was 10 dollars short of the price cos of some emergency that took place the day before. I paid the 200 upfront first before later fund transferring over the 10 dollars later on.

Seriously, I dun tink we can condone this type of cases on SOFT. It should be a friendly, safe environment for all musicians here. Hope that helped to answer some of the queries here.

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