Ok come come, wanna know the story? This is it. (Btw, i'm the sellers good friend)
First, this bronson guy called up my friend(the seller, just name him Bob) asking about stuff bob was selling. So bob told him abt everything and bronson said he would arrange a day to meet up which was sunday. From the time bronson called till sunday, they had arranged for a price already. (Item A : $60, B : $180) Which was extremely cheap! And also very good condition according to bronson himself.
So on sunday, the 2 met up at dhoby ghaut. They went up to exit B and bob started showing bronson the goods. Bronson, who claimed he was from bob's church.. Don't know if it's true because bob hasn't seen him around before but most probably it is, felt a little suspicious because of the way he was talking. Moving on, when bronson viewed the items already, he just took item A and B and put it in his bag. I don't think buyers usually do that? Like usually they'll take their cash out and pay before taking the item right? So that made bob a little more uneasy. Next, bronson started bargaining for a discount. (price was $240 which they had previously agreed on) That kinda pissed bob off as like i said, they agreed on a price already which usually doesn't end up in further bargaining is that right? Bob said no, as if, he sold it to other buyers in the queue, he could have got more. But bronson asked to meet up first. So bob respected bronson by saving the items for him first. Sadly bronson continued arguing.. so Mr.bob not being very steady like someone mentioned earlier, gave in to $220. Listen to this, even after $220 was given, bronson asked another time, "220 best price? how abt 200?" Making bob a bit more uneasy. Thankfully that bob didnt get bargained further so they settled at $220. And so bronson started taking out his cash. After giving $200, he took out another 2 $50 notes (which shows he had roughly $300+ on him, so i don't know why he still wanted a further discount) and lastly took out a $10 note and gave the $10 to bob. After that bronson said, "that's all i have, how?" (bronson has been smsing bob claiming he gave bob a $50 note to ask him to change but that was probably in his dreams?) Not being near a shop, bob didnt know what to do after being so unsteady already, so he gave in hesistantly. And the meeting ends here.
When bob reached home, he told drumsolo86 (threadstarter) about the incident. Drumsolo got kinda pissed off by what happened. So he decided to post up this thread and slowly people started posting stuff abt bronson. Guess what? Bronson smsed bob straight away to say, "you better take down the thread in 15mins or i'll call the police, come online and explain yourself, ask Drumsolo to come online and apologize to me now. Don't test my patience. I'm very angry bla bla bla..." Note that bronson was flooding bob's inbox like crazy as bronson was sending the exact same sms with the same text about 3 times? Every 5-10mins another 3 smses would come, (different text every 10 mins but still 3 times) Stupid thing is it's all the same concept
-.-". This went on till 2am in the morning, so bob gave up and said, "i've got school tmr. Not gonna waste my time with you anymore, settle the problem tmr."
Next day, same thing happened over and over again. Bob told many many people. And all these people wanted to take the guy out badly but bob said no violence. And tried to settle the whole matter through sms. Which eventually happened but not in a very nice way i would say?
So yup, that's the story for all to see. For bob in my opinion, should have stuck to $240 and be more steady but he's still quite new to meeting people like bronson. As for bronson's wrong doing, leave it to you guys to decide!
Johnny Wishbones