Warning to all fellow softies!

oh,that Bronson ah! nonsense guy la. He got 2 smelly dogs at his house and talks loudly even though he looks like a 12 years old kid.
hahahhaha...hahahahaha...hahahaha...defamation suit. he did get defamed indeed. lets see how his studio does henceforth. he doesnt dare speak up for himself on the forum then secretly message the TS that he will call police like a cat.

oh sorry, did i say cat? i meant pussy. ^^

but then again, the seller also a big cuckoo i think. why get bullied, just dont sell lah, as simple as that
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Well, first of all I think it's quite normal for people to bargain. But for this case, the buyer is trying his luck and the seller is not 'steady'. I'm not saying that the seller is wrong but he should not have sold it in the first place if he thinks that the price is right.

I have met many buyers like this so called Bronson and I think he is also not wrong. I once advertise not in soft though to sell a trumpet. The guy agreed to pay S$200 for it. So when we met he said the trumpet a bit dented lah...and wanted a discount. But in the first place, this issue has already been highlighted to him so he was told and should expect it that way. So, for me when he ask for S$150, I told him that the price is now $300. Take it or leave it and I left. He then ask back for the same price and I said no. In the end he paid $250. Hehehe!! But, I'm prepared to bring it home if he's not willing to pay.

So, deals like this depends on individual. I also once sold another thing at a cheaper price than promised. But I take it in good heart and happy about it.


No one got cheated here.
Just Wonder?

Just wonder are you his friend how come you know he is calling the police?

I think this a very sad thing that happen here at soft.Hope this thing will not
happen to anyone again.First we are not the seller nor the buyer.We can not
100% know for sure who is right or wrong.

As a seller he may feel that the buyer is wasting his time when he ask for a
discount. Cause he come all the way to meet up with him and to carry the
instrument around are no joke. this we can understand.If you feel that the price
was not right than don't sell.In Singapore no one can force you to do anything
if you don't wish or feel uncomfortable. The thing I really dont understand why he
or she after selling told his friend and make such a big hu ha about it.If you are his
or her friend you should go with him or her in meeting this guy.Not after thing happen
than make so much hu ha don't you guys think it too late and pointless?

As a buyer point of view.He may not seen the instrument and after viewing,he
may not think the instrument worth that much so he ask for a discount that can be
understood . On the other hand I feel it normal to ask for cheaper price.No body
in their right frame of mind would say are you selling me at for example maybe a guitar
$200 I think you should sell me at $250 and I will buy from you. He or she would sure
to ask for a lower price unless you are getting those stuff from ebay.And if you said
he is going to make a police report I have no doubt about it.Put yourself as a buyer.
You happily bought what you want and went home . Suddenly you find that your name
and hp are on the net.How do you feel? Firstly if its me I will get shork. Singapore
is so small. If you are a singer or play any musical instrument you sure to know
others player.Like for this case, the way I look at it many people should have known him
How do you guys feel when you are the above person when you may get lots of sms and phone calls. etc.. The stress he and his family members will be going through is unthinkable.The funny thing was even the two dogs get into the picture. ha..ha..

I think we at soft can learn some lesson here.
First don't meet strangers alone bring a friend along. Cause two is better than one.
Be it buying or selling. Also bring extra cash if the buyer needed you to change money.
Better way to pay is by bank Ac transfer.It is also unsave to carry huge amount with you.
Check what you guys are buying. It pointless bring back the instrument than make a big hu ha.. It will be too late. Also if the price not right don't sell.Don't wait till you sold it than you wished you could have sold at a heigher price.The best thing bring along two forms fill up the name and ic number of the seller and buyer agreed to sell this instrument at this price. get both party to sgin on it so no party can make a big hu ha that He or she force me to buy or sell. For this case let not say who is right or wrong uless you are the buyer or seller which have his or her side of the story.And let this be a lesson learn for each one of us at soft.
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tetra : "So, for me when he ask for S$150, I told him that the price is now $300. Take it or leave it and I left. He then ask back for the same price and I said no. In the end he paid $250." <-- hahah I pulled that stunt once too. the buyer ask "why now price increase?" i told him "I sell my stuff cheap, but my pride and ego is expensive , so you just insulted me by lowballing."
That's a good one Blueprint. Hehehe!! I just said, I feel like increasing it lah. Well, that can be my new line next time.

sometimes it is not about the money....but rather the person you deal with......if he is a nice guy..I don't mind to lose a little but if he is one of a kind....I rather not sell to him...
I had an experience last yr when I sold my laptop thru an online portal. Agreed price thru email and sms was finally decided at $800. Since he confirmed buying, I formated the laptop and reinstall the OS for him. I even drove down to a location which he said was convinient for him.

When arrived, he said he can get from Sim Lim at $500 and demanded me to sell him at that price. When I said no, he said he had to travel for 1 hour by train and bla bla bla... c'mon shit, it was his place of convinience!

I even showed him our sms that he agreed on the price of $800 and he claimed that I was trying to rip him off him money. I told him just forget abt the deal then and he threatened to sue me. I said to him, "u have my hp number, u have my email address, u can see my car plate no also.. go ahead, sue me."

Till now, no news from him..
Speak up!

I think the seller and buyer should speak up.
Than we know who is right or wrong?

Seller where are you?
Buyer where are you?
I met these type of buyers before. I was selling an efx for 120, when we met he say he brought only 110 and asked if i can let go at 110, I said no and walked off, then miraculously he found $10 and agreed on the price. Then in another deal, the guy said he brouhgt $50 short, so I told him go ATM draw cash then, he agreed, then walk halfway to ATM, he miraculously found the $50. Be firm in ur price.

Met a good share of bad sellers and buyers, in the end I just whine to my friends and let it rest. posting it on a forum is jus opening a can of worms.
guys, lets not waste bandwidth anymore. im sure there are much more meaningful, MUSIC RELATED topics we can have a fun discussion on. <---this was fun too actually :P

Ok come come, wanna know the story? This is it. (Btw, i'm the sellers good friend)

First, this bronson guy called up my friend(the seller, just name him Bob) asking about stuff bob was selling. So bob told him abt everything and bronson said he would arrange a day to meet up which was sunday. From the time bronson called till sunday, they had arranged for a price already. (Item A : $60, B : $180) Which was extremely cheap! And also very good condition according to bronson himself.

So on sunday, the 2 met up at dhoby ghaut. They went up to exit B and bob started showing bronson the goods. Bronson, who claimed he was from bob's church.. Don't know if it's true because bob hasn't seen him around before but most probably it is, felt a little suspicious because of the way he was talking. Moving on, when bronson viewed the items already, he just took item A and B and put it in his bag. I don't think buyers usually do that? Like usually they'll take their cash out and pay before taking the item right? So that made bob a little more uneasy. Next, bronson started bargaining for a discount. (price was $240 which they had previously agreed on) That kinda pissed bob off as like i said, they agreed on a price already which usually doesn't end up in further bargaining is that right? Bob said no, as if, he sold it to other buyers in the queue, he could have got more. But bronson asked to meet up first. So bob respected bronson by saving the items for him first. Sadly bronson continued arguing.. so Mr.bob not being very steady like someone mentioned earlier, gave in to $220. Listen to this, even after $220 was given, bronson asked another time, "220 best price? how abt 200?" Making bob a bit more uneasy. Thankfully that bob didnt get bargained further so they settled at $220. And so bronson started taking out his cash. After giving $200, he took out another 2 $50 notes (which shows he had roughly $300+ on him, so i don't know why he still wanted a further discount) and lastly took out a $10 note and gave the $10 to bob. After that bronson said, "that's all i have, how?" (bronson has been smsing bob claiming he gave bob a $50 note to ask him to change but that was probably in his dreams?) Not being near a shop, bob didnt know what to do after being so unsteady already, so he gave in hesistantly. And the meeting ends here.

When bob reached home, he told drumsolo86 (threadstarter) about the incident. Drumsolo got kinda pissed off by what happened. So he decided to post up this thread and slowly people started posting stuff abt bronson. Guess what? Bronson smsed bob straight away to say, "you better take down the thread in 15mins or i'll call the police, come online and explain yourself, ask Drumsolo to come online and apologize to me now. Don't test my patience. I'm very angry bla bla bla..." Note that bronson was flooding bob's inbox like crazy as bronson was sending the exact same sms with the same text about 3 times? Every 5-10mins another 3 smses would come, (different text every 10 mins but still 3 times) Stupid thing is it's all the same concept
-.-". This went on till 2am in the morning, so bob gave up and said, "i've got school tmr. Not gonna waste my time with you anymore, settle the problem tmr."

Next day, same thing happened over and over again. Bob told many many people. And all these people wanted to take the guy out badly but bob said no violence. And tried to settle the whole matter through sms. Which eventually happened but not in a very nice way i would say?

So yup, that's the story for all to see. For bob in my opinion, should have stuck to $240 and be more steady but he's still quite new to meeting people like bronson. As for bronson's wrong doing, leave it to you guys to decide!

Johnny Wishbones :D
Bronson sounds like a prick. But we want to hear Bronson's side of the story as well. Since he has already read the thread, WHERE THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU MR. BRONSON?! If you can bargain that shamelessly, I don't see why you can't face up to us behind a computer screen.


I'd most sincerely like to request a meet up with dear Mr. Bronson.
By all means go ahead jeepers! He wanted the seller's side of the story for a long time. So here it is. Whatever it is man. That's the exact truth, i wanna see what he has in store..

Oh yes, the seller did recieve a sms from bronson regarding the bargaining part. Asking who wouldnt ask for a discount? Put yourself in my shoes. Would you ask for discount? Well mr bronson, like ppl have mentioned earlier. Before meeting, a price is set. And usually that price is fixed. Which means, no further barganing. If you wanna bargain so much, at least do it by sms before meeting right? Oh wells, don't wanna waste my time anymore. Stupidity...
Bronson? Somebody must have been watching too many Death Wish flicks.

"...he just took item A and B and put it in his bag. I don't think buyers usually do that? "

Nope, buyers don't do that. Shoplifters do. That would have been regarded as theft if he decides not to pay up the agreed price.

My advice to newbie sellers, try to bring a friend along especially if you are doing your first sale to strangers you just met online. Being in numbers might help deter scumbags from trying to pull off stunts n shit.

and try not to bring those "blur-cock" friends. Those are no help.
Yea, exactly what i meant. My friend of course did ask people to go along because he felt uneasy before meeting, but so happened none were free at that time.. My friend sold to quite a few people before, not to someone like this bronson guy though..
poor fella...hope its a once bitten twice shy case for your friend now.or ask him to shave his head and get the Kerry King tribal tattoo on his scalp. then no one will mess with him :P

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