Warning: Be mindful of what you post on SOFT

it is obviously wrong and illegal to make racist sentiment publicly known. i believe this guy is facing three years in the slammer. but it isn't any better to bear racist sentiment and keep it hidden.

people are naive and think that they are pushing the frontiers of enlightenment by having a blog. but most of the time all they succeed in doing is making their flaws publicly known
Thanks James, that was Invaluable Info & " Reminder " to all at Soft.

Section 298 of the Penal Code, Chapter 224, anyone with deliberate intention of wounding the religious or racial feelings of any person, causes any matter however represented to be seen or heard by that person, can be jailed up to three years, or fine, or both, if convicted as stated - - - at above James' link

NOTE: - - - Thus discussion pertaining to/on Sensitive Issues as in - " Religion, Racial Discrimination, and Politics especially " are not permitted at Soft......and it can lead to an immediate Banning from this forum at the discretion of the Admin here
i've been wondering, movies/shows like Rush Hour / Harold And Kumar / Talking Cock (SG) / SouthPark / Chris Rock's stand up comedy etc. all the (excuse me here) "black/white/chinese/indian/bhai/stereotype" jokes featured. are they considered racist in a bad way if someone laughs at the racist jokes or even crack them to ease the racial barrier tension? can someone actually be "racist in a good/joking way", that means a guy has friends of all races and cracks subtle racist jokes to all of them including his own ? intentions is what i'm talking about here.

do not get me wrong here I'm not saying Straits Times guy is NOT wrong. he's wrong definitely (esp to be arrested). I didn't read what he said on his blog but i'm sure he said something else that's with intention to "hurt and offend".

P.S : the shows/movies stated above rules.
blueprintstudios: I guess our culture's maturity level in racial humour coupled with "pantang to mess about with race" issues makes it difficult to do like they do in the West.
Hi Bro blueprintstudios - how are you my bro.

It's about "The Ultimate Intention/Objective" I believed here.

Actually all along, Soft had never allowed the Discussion or posting on "Religious Issues, Racial Discrimination & most importantly Political Issues" within it's Forum ...... cause these are very very sensitive issues that can cause many bigger problems here - all we need is just a crazy fellow (comes out here, once in a while) post something on these - and things will explode, and we will have plenty of cleaning-up to do later-on.

In almost all well-managed forum, even in the USA - The Forum Rules -states very clearly - No discussion on such sensitive issues which are dealt with severely to an Immediate Banning.....this happens all round the world (for the better managed forums.

PS:- Brother fgl, you will be surprise that the West might not be as "Open" as what we perceived actually (take DrummerWorld USA for instance - The World Largest & Leading No. 1 Drum Forum" - - How the Admin managed their forum and still No. 1.....many will appreciate Soft here really.

Cheers !
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I think jailing him is rubbish. He is entitled to his opinion. I'd gladly debate him on where his head is currently at.
dude gotten owned by the people of hardwarezone edmw...

Hardwarezone ftw!!!

Well its pretty much a fine thin line between joking and criticising blueprintstudios.. Those movies include plenty of racist jokes, but they are done to humour people.. In fact, this can be done in such a way to "ease" those race barriers people face.. Especially when people of those races laugh as well.. A movie is a movie, we shouldn't take it seriously for what it is.. But a blog.......

And after reading his post, saying that "Even if you are a ____ and am reading this... good for you..coz this is my personal blog and i can say what i deem fit.... if u wana defend yourself.... i suggest you arm youself with education and a motor mouth to compete against me.. else dont bother... coz i will bet my life on the line that, should you challenge me in a conversation... you will lose like what a true ___ would.... LIKE **** !!!

I think its totally fake for him to act apologetic to the mass media and say
'I am a very expressive person - my style of writing is over the top. I write this way to make my entries more punchy and exciting,' he told TNP.
He denied being a racist and maintained that he did not harbour any ill will towards the racial group he wrote about.
'I meant what I wrote in a different way. If people read it in another way, there is nothing much I can do,' he said, adding that he planned to put up an online apology for his comments.

What a loser.. When kana back down already.. Oh well.. We wouldn't need that kind of people in our society.. In fact, I was giving up on our society at one point of time.. But.. After I met so many musicians, thanks to Soft, I'm proud to be a Singaporean.. Musicians are the friendliest bunch around.. :mrgreen:
Haha, music saves everyone!

I think musicians should rule the world. Get lost, politicians! Haha, just joking. But wondering how different it would be if one day, our prime minister, is a musician who can shred on his guitar and piano.

On another not-so-light-hearted-note, I think racism has nowhere in this forum, as well as in this world.

Why bother about the differences? Let's listen to music together and be in harmony!
Everywhere also got bullshit lah. Hehe, just because the place we are in, doesnt seem to have it, it doesnt mean theres none...its only that we are not aware of it or even qualifed to be in the circle to get entangle in it...
Liberator, I haven't seen you on soft for a darn long time! Or have I lost touch with soft?

Don't be so pessimistic. This world can be better.
i have to say hwz is like the UG Pit :D hahaha. but yeah, i think people like that guy should be condemned, but at the same time, his arguments should never be brushed aside. the harshest of truths come from insults, so i hope that whatever happens here, should be dealt with in a civil, MATURE manner. UG PIT FTW. HAHAHA
yeap I guess it is indeed the intentions. I think he started eating his words claiming he did what he did so his blog is "punchy and exciting" and so ppl will read it.
so "you're a racist because you wanted attention?"

that's stupidity and some form of exhibitionism combined together.

fgl : yeah but I can't help but sometimes mimicking some of those indian-poking-fun kinda ads they have in SG
1) m1 : "eh! MUMBAI DAH! INDIA!"
2) richard gere's "Fai Birds, for my brader... but there's only enough for 1 bird.."

just too damn catchy..
jailing a person for mere words is pretty much horseshit. I may not agree with what he said, but I sure as hell would defend to the death for his right to say it. (that is, if i'm arsed to do anything about it)

singapore wins again, and singaporeans lose again.