Wad cymbals do u guys have...

shred5 said:
If I'm not wrong, Paiste Dimension Series (standalone) are discontinued.

However, don't be dissapointed. They are still "available" as Paiste has "rojak" the Dimensions into the paiste 2002 series and signature series.

Same goes for the Paiste Innovation series. Not even 5 years after released, it was discountinued.

So, whoever here has got the Dimension series and the Innovations, cling on to those babies. It may be collectors items! :wink:
wow... too bad I want to collect only Zildjians....
haha zildjian? i feel they are really over rated.. paiste is one of the best man. haha. yamaha really overrates the zildjians i feel.. correct me if i'm wrong.. i feel that people are too much into zildjian just because their favourite idol drummers are endorsing that brand. though zildjian sounds and looks like a cool brand man..
kari_convention said:
blissuicide... you really know your stuff!!! But i get confused when i go to Paiste website, they dont have Dimension line but instead have like Dimension Crash in Signature lines and such. Do u have a chance to play it? How does it sound compares to any Zildjian's line?

Thanks again dude!

No prob. There is NO Dimension Crash or other cymbals for tat matter in Signature series. Even if they wan to, they jus cant, haha. Signature utilizes Paiste patented Signature alloy, a B15 alloy whereas Dimensions is 2002 alloy, which is actually a B8 composition, the same as 2002 series. The current crash lineup in the Signature line are Full, Power, Fast and Mellow. The discontinued Signature crash are Crystal Crash. And NO Dimension model is being brought into Signature, only into 2002 series and read thoroughly, cos tis mite b confusing. :lol: From Dimensions line, the Power Crash is being brought into 2002 series but had its name changed to Rock Crash cos 2002 already has a Power crash. From the New Dimensions line, the Medium Thin Full crash is been brought in and had its name changed to only Full Crash in the 2002 line. If u look at the hammer patterns, grooves and lathing technique, the crash still retain the same look as when they were in the Dimensions line, only now wif the ubiquitous scarlet silk-screened logo of the 2002 series. And ya, i had my hands on most of Paiste's series, maybe perhaps only the Giant Beat has been eluding me so far. :( Hope tis helps ya...
kanzer said:
haha zildjian? i feel they are really over rated.. paiste is one of the best man. haha. yamaha really overrates the zildjians i feel.. correct me if i'm wrong.. i feel that people are too much into zildjian just because their favourite idol drummers are endorsing that brand. though zildjian sounds and looks like a cool brand man..
hurmm... kinda true...
but, from my reading thru drummers' website, its the drummer itself who wanna play Zildjians and not because some zildjian people ask them to. and i think the strongest reason is because zildjian is the oldest company making these thing. so they really know what they're doing. and other brands are just following them... heheehehe... Sabian's CEO also one of Zildjians. :?
shred5 said:
If I'm not wrong, Paiste Dimension Series (standalone) are discontinued.

However, don't be dissapointed. They are still "available" as Paiste has "rojak" the Dimensions into the paiste 2002 series and signature series.

Same goes for the Paiste Innovation series. Not even 5 years after released, it was discountinued.

So, whoever here has got the Dimension series and the Innovations, cling on to those babies. It may be collectors items! :wink:

There are some more Dimensions and Innovations to be cleared from any coming Swee Lee sales... 8)
drum_hobbyist said:
shred5 said:
If I'm not wrong, Paiste Dimension Series (standalone) are discontinued.

However, don't be dissapointed. They are still "available" as Paiste has "rojak" the Dimensions into the paiste 2002 series and signature series.

Same goes for the Paiste Innovation series. Not even 5 years after released, it was discountinued.

So, whoever here has got the Dimension series and the Innovations, cling on to those babies. It may be collectors items! :wink:

There are some more Dimensions and Innovations to be cleared from any coming Swee Lee sales... 8)
collectible items perhaps...?
kari_convention said:
kanzer said:
haha zildjian? i feel they are really over rated.. paiste is one of the best man. haha. yamaha really overrates the zildjians i feel.. correct me if i'm wrong.. i feel that people are too much into zildjian just because their favourite idol drummers are endorsing that brand. though zildjian sounds and looks like a cool brand man..
hurmm... kinda true...
but, from my reading thru drummers' website, its the drummer itself who wanna play Zildjians and not because some zildjian people ask them to. and i think the strongest reason is because zildjian is the oldest company making these thing. so they really know what they're doing. and other brands are just following them... heheehehe... Sabian's CEO also one of Zildjians. :?

They are all from the same family. Robert Zildjian parted ways wif his brother Armand Zildjian and formed Sabian, which is actually the first syllables of his three kids' name, 'Sa'lly, 'Bi'lly and 'An'dy.
kari_convention said:
kanzer said:
haha zildjian? i feel they are really over rated.. paiste is one of the best man. haha. yamaha really overrates the zildjians i feel.. correct me if i'm wrong.. i feel that people are too much into zildjian just because their favourite idol drummers are endorsing that brand. though zildjian sounds and looks like a cool brand man..
hurmm... kinda true...
but, from my reading thru drummers' website, its the drummer itself who wanna play Zildjians and not because some zildjian people ask them to. and i think the strongest reason is because zildjian is the oldest company making these thing. so they really know what they're doing. and other brands are just following them... heheehehe... Sabian's CEO also one of Zildjians. :?

Gif due respect to other brands. No particular brand is followin anybody. Tokin abt Sabian, them being the youngest company but look at wat they have achieved. Innovative products after innovative products. Ozone crash, Rocktagons, Signature line etc. Look at Paiste, who innovate the first ever wavy bottom hats, Visions and Colorsound series coloured cymbals, Novo chinas and the likes. And Zildjian themselves are havin traditionally one of the best and superb cymbals in the likes of K and K custom. So ya, they all have came out wif amazing items themselves and each one deserves the respect.
aw man you got zildjian wrong. their K's and customs are awesome, some of the best feels you ever get out of a cymbal, sound wise too. any we should talk about overpricing for paiste then.
If u read wat i wrote about Zildjian, tats exactly wat I said about their Ks and K Customs, awesome and one of the best. And overpriced? Its all really subjective and depends on where u are. And if its overpriced, then everyone will shunned them. Companies have the rite to slap a price-tag on their products wif respect to labour and manufacturing cost involved. And its overpriced, but where? US, yes, Europe, not exactly everywhere. Locally? Its ok. So ya its really subjective. Hell, Sabian is the most expensive in Ireland. So wat say u? They are overpriced everywhere?
bliss and everyone else,
what crash (in Zildjian perhaps) can balance my 18" K Custom Dark Crash? Because the sound is already dark, i want a crash that bright that can balance the darker side of my K. Any suggestion? I know I can get brighter sound from A and A custom but they have many crashes under this line.
haha i dunno about zildjian. but for sure paiste is bright.. check the alpha and 2002.. yup.. and maybe meinl.. the classic and something custom wan
Hmm, the contrast in dark and bright crashes can sometimes be off-putting if paired wif a totally different cymbals tat dun blend together. Best to stay among the Zildjians and I would definitely have to say the A Customs or Avedis. And I would go for the A Custom Projection Crash, but if tats not bright enough then go for the Avedis Medium or Rock crashes.
hello guys... is anyone here have or happens to play 20"/22" K Custom Ride? How does it sound and is it good for both Jazz and Rock? or just Jazz? Its not Medium ride.. its just K Custom Ride. The one which Dennis Chambers have on his kit.
its more towards jazz, still rock playable. but the k dark custom ride is really bad to be played with rock. stictly jazz