Wad cymbals do u guys have...

Looks like tis :lol: :

you just had to do that right? i have one in church. its like a diamond in the rough. no one knows it good, so i just play with it when i can! hahaha
how much? post pictures! just got my cymbal bag. wasnt too crazy about the paiste one. got my zildjian one instead cause it had plenty of compartments.
Waha, tats wat I used to own! :p Sweet ain't it? Miss tat sound edge wave of the bottom hats. Nvm, gona get my Sig Sound Edge real soon. Polish those lil devils man, they gona shine waaay bright. So, u enjoyin tat baby yet? Tis one's a keeper man, if u decide to let it go, u noe whom to release it to ya?
lol definitely bliss. aha. when u get ur sig sound edge , post ur pics too.

how many kinds of cymbal polisher is there? or is it all the same, ranking swee lee all got right.. would it cost more than $20?
Since im usin Paiste cymbals, i use their cleaner too. The last i got it for $20 at SL. But practically, all cleaners more or less contain the same chemicals.
why i didn't see any Meinl users here?? :lol: :lol:

I'm using all Meinl for my gigs, be it recordings or live.. You all should give it a try. Especially the Byzance, Gen-x, Amun & Soundcaster(the ones Thomas Lang, Rodney Holmes, Johnny Rabb, Benny Greb etc uses) series.
mmmm, to be honest, when i started out, i didnt really hear anything bout meinl. dunno, i think i shall checkout their website.
If any im interested about with the meinls...it would be the stacks...electro stax and such...like wad nick D'virgilio uses...not so sure oso hahaa...
I posted a photo of my collection of Meinl cymbals in this thread... check it out... Ranking is still awaiting for the new shipment of Meinl cymbals... was told that it will be the high-end ones... :wink:
Meinl MB20 24" Heavy Metal Ride. Collaborated with Chris Adler from Lamb Of God for this monster of a cymbal. might cost a bomb too.