Wad cymbals do u guys have...

oh hey joshie...

hmm samatyas...definitely i don't regret getting them. However they do sound bright straight out of the box. After abit of seasoning + natural grime on the surface...it toned down...just nice. :D

1 thing i cant figure out is how the brilliant finish came out at certain parts of my cymbals...im guessing using promark hot rods took them out. So, my advise is play with your sticks.

Actually i wouldnt say Samatyas sound like A customs because each cymbal has its own characteristics.

I'd actually reccomend going straight for some traditionals! for $650...i think u could get a pair of hi hats and crash....then save up more for a ride...

PS: im turning into sabian freak now...but i still love the istanbuls for home practice...good luck...gear investment ( do not take it lightly haha! )
oh man.. expensive! nah i dont really like the traditionals. but i like the samatyas. one thing is that the sound like accumulates on the ride, giving it a roaring sound.

18" and 12"



ahah thx guys!

i just got home with it at night so i didnt have the oppurtunity to actually play on them yet.

im SOOO gonna rush home after school tomorrow. ugh the wait is killing me! :D

will get back to you guyz!
the cymbals itself without shipping shud be around 80 bucks sing only...but shipping and other stuff really jacked up the price...

just got back from trying it...


i dare say its quite near the sound of Zildjian oriental trashes ... except the zildjians have a cleaner "modern" sound. The wuhans have a more ORIENTAL and dirty trashy sound...it has a full range of frequencies...

best hit hard to expose more tones...higher pitched tones are more prevalent when hit soft...

PS: i hope to get the sound recorded down in the upcoming jam i have...ehehe.

Pio: can lah bro. Maybe 1 day we shud all come down and set up our cymbals like what u did with shred5 whoo hooo....
whoa cool, how do they compare to zildjian oriental china CLASSICS? im thinking bout getting a 20" zildjian oriental china classic or perhaps a wuhan, when drum resource finally bring it in............................
haha never tried classics b4...tbh...never even heard of it b4!

so i cant make any comaparisons on that...ahaha...

the 12 Inch is just daaang sweeet....

cute couple
OMG! bLOODI NICE!! how u actual get it huh? music 123? i actualli went to shops in china to see if wuhan was on sale. sadly it was very limited range and needless to say, there was no china at all.
gahhahaha...musiciansfriend actually...got stuff cock up but i shall not talk about that...look on the bright side i guess...i got what i wanted!

somebody else here gonna have wuhans soon *ahem*shred*ahem*5*ahem*... :twisted:

I can sense that there is a movement going on here to grow large family or an army of cymbals... it is a good sign... keep it up... 8)