
just ask brendon. he'll recommend a few to suit ur playing style. or if u haven't yet found ur playing style, just ask him to recommend u what he thinks is best. though i am still using my jazz iii, i do go back to the v-picks once in awhile and they always sound good :)
Been using a variety of V-pick for a while till I change to Dunlop Jazztone 205 a couple of months back. I've used V-picks (Snake, Variety pack etc) but switched to Jazztone due to availability/size/light.
Something happened today.I normally double-sided tape all my picks behind the my guitar headstock. I still have one Small Pointed V-pick among Jazztone at the headstock.
While playing, I misplaced my Jazztone and quickly took out that V-pick.

The sound coming from my guitar (just got 3 weeks) was totally different. The neck pickup sounded thicker, more twang, clarity and it sorta like added 'more distortion' to my overdrive sound..using Wampler Pinnacle II unboosted mode.
It seems to more mids too and the solos sounded fuller. The Jazztones still sound good especially on cleans but V-pick beats em on most areas.

Will be ordering V-pick again ....case closed.
Dealing with Brendon was a breeze, and my Medium Pointeds arrived in 2 days. First impressions - they feel solid and don't slip. I don't have to adjust and re-grip them all the time. Was also quite surprised - single notes feel more consistent, and ring out clearer. I play a 335 with flatwound strings, and it does make the flats more "alive".

I'm sure its not magic, its just simple design -- the bevelled edge just feels better to me on the strings than the flat edge of most picks. It allows for more control and consistency. Thanks Brendon, will order more in the future!

The only downside is that my Medium Pointed picks are transparent/clear - which means they are really easy to lose.
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I've used quite a lot of different picks now. I'll have to say that the precision coming from the Vpick when playing fast runs is unparalleled. It slides over the strings very smoothly, while providing excellent articulation, most picks that slide smoothly have rounded tips, which sound like a fart when playing very fast runs. Most importantly, the pick sticks to your fingers. The only problem for most people here, would be getting used to the thickness of the pick (in the case of anything thicker than the lite picks).

I'm currently waiting for some lite vpicks to come my way, I don't like 'em mediums for the thickness, but based on the feels of the picks, the comfort they afford and the smoothness of each pickstroke, I'm expecting much from the lite Vpicks coming my way.

Slides smoothly over the strings
Very clear articulation of pickstroke when shredding (very important)

Thickness (Very subjective, I know Ized likes it...)


Lol dude, chill.
Anyway, yeah i have a V pick too. Excellent, nothing exaggerated, really improves the tone given out. Just a little reluctant to use it sometimes as I'm afraid the sharp end might accidentally scratch my guitar (The body and pickguard). Anyone who has the same dilemma as me?? Oh, and I use the medium one I think.
Been using a V pick for a few months now.
Love the grip and size of the small pointed original V picks. It really just
sticks to the thumb. I cant say that i can play much faster now with V picks,
but i certainly feel more relaxed when i play fast as compared to using other
picks ( most of the time using Jazz 3 ). It could be due to the fact tt i am
more confident tt it would not slip off from my fingers and that i don't have
to grip too tight which in turn relieved some stress on the wrist.

As for the tone, it really is unmatchable, or so i believe. Have been swapping
around with a few different type of picks eg Jazz 3, tortex, Ultex Jazz 3, small
stubby, Satch's planet waves pick, etc. The V pick sings out the notes nicely
and seems to sustain a bit longer too.

I also bought the ruby red small V pick frm Brendon. Personally, I find it
having a stronger mid range than the original v pick. Its like playing with
a boost pedal. Enjoyed playing instrumentals with it.

I would wish to try out a lite small V pick though as i'm still not used to its
thickness. Hope to see Brendon selling it in the near future.

Anyway, give it a shot even if you have your doubts.
Just email Brendon with your orders. You'll get immediate response
and excellent customer svc.

It could be your cheapest yet most significant investment in tone!
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picks i've been using over the past few years

J.D Jazz III
ESP 0.8MM with Grip
V picks - small pointed

Jazz III
I'm sure most people are familiar with the Jazz III picks, small, sharp attack. Easy to handle and very comfortable to play with. I have a preference for hard picks, the Jazz III was a very easy choice. However somehow they do tend to slip and requires constant repositioning. It also seems like i have to hit harder and grip tighter, i cannot play with the Jazz III picks for long durations.

ESP 0.8MM with Grip
I got introduced to the ESP pick by a fellow friend of mine. It got my attention really quick especially with the grip. Now i have a pick where there's a little grippy material which clings onto my fingers. it being longer means i could dig deeper into my attack (due to the way i hold my pick). However, it didnt have the same stiffness as the Jazz III.

so i wondered if there was ever a pick that i could have what i wanted in a pick : Hard, long enough to dig in but not too big a pick, clings onto my fingers.

I cant exactly remember when was the first time i tried the picks but the difference i felt was immediate.
The pick was hard like i would like in a pick, long enough to dig in for those hard attacks and somehow they cling onto my finger. I have no idea what the picks are made of but they really do. some people might be skeptical about these, but the picks do improve your tone by noticeable differences, better if i may add. single notes sound fuller and the way the pick glides across your strings makes it an absolute joy to play faster runs. It's very difficult putting into words how much difference these picks have made for my playing. im able to practice longer due to less effort being put in to hold the pick so tight, yet every note is full.

to make sure that the premium im paying was well worth it. i went full circle once again to confirm my doubts. safe to say, i wasnt wrong. to add, buying from brendon has been hassle free, i dont even have to leave the comfort of my seat. nice and friendly guy to deal with too :)
i've been using V-Picks since end 2007 as I wanted to see what was the fuss about.

I havent looked back since. A former dunlop 3mm stubbies user, I was hard pressed to find a better pick for my needs. Needless to say, i was astounded by the amazing clarity and top end offered by these V-Picks. My tone suddenly became alot fuller sounding and most of the tougher licks were easier to play due to the way these picks glide smoothly across the strings.

Over time I've realised these little gems are just as valuable as my prized possessions like my guitar, pedals and amp. Its also a valuable recording tool as these little details matter due to the fact that every little nitty gritty is suddenly in its full, unbasked glory (or not!).

And as for the complaint about paying $$$ for one pick, and those who lose picks all the time, I have this to say: To each its own. Only you can decide whether its WORTH IT and how much you are willing to fork out for a pick. I dont hear ppl complain about spending cash on boutique pedals and amps though :) For me actually I've saved money on picks with these V-picks cos they come with 3 pointed ends you can wear (hence 3 times the life) and they've also taught me the importance of saving your picks. One V pick on the average lasts me about 2 months and the total cost comes up to less than what I spend on normal picks since they are so deceptively cheap (I always lose my cheapo picks cos I dont save them properly).

Another bonus factor about the V-picks is the way the wear down. They actually wear down in a pleasing way with more usage and do not get rough on the edges unlike regular picks!
I've just got my v- pick original and im surprised.

Firstly unlike my Jazz III's, the v pick actually sticks to my fingers, no more picks slipping off and losing grip from my hand. EXCELLENT! And next i realized how smoothly it glides over my strings, playing riffs became much easier and smoother.

Im not sure if im imagining things but somehow after using the v pick, the notes coming out became clearer.

There is one thing i dislike though, the thickness... It makes it kinda hard to strum... I guess my next V pick would be a lite then. :D
Hello. Wanted to try out a Vpick so I got one regular medium one recently. BGW guitars' service was great, they answered all my queries and they were very polite as well. :cool:

Anyways, comparing the Vpick to what I'm using now (just a regular pick bought from a jamming studio which I've been using for a few months), the tone is different as it sounds warmer to me on single notes. For chord strumming, I like the Vpick too as it gives a bright and clear sound. :)

I feel the thickness of the Vpick is alright. I like the thickness, I think it gives better grip imo. :p

However, I tried a few funk rhythms with both picks and I preferred my older pick for it as it can give a louder muted sound. But that's just my opinion yeah. :mrgreen:

Overall, the V pick is great in terms of most of the sound produced yep. Love it for single notes and acoustic strumming, hehe. Oh yes, I think it helps improve speed too !

Okay, that's all. Good day !
I read this thread and got quite curious about what all the fuss about V-picks were. So, I did the most rational thing and ordered TWO for myself!

Brendon's replies were quick and polite. Very professional. *thumbs up* My picks came in the mail within 2 days of ordering.

There was a real significant difference in tone when using a V-pick and other picks. I love the thickness and grip of the pick! Doesn't really move around that much even when playing aggressively.

Great stuff Brendon!
V-picks review

+1 for prompt mailing.

Received the items in good cond. within 2 days as promised.

Got 3 V-Picks:
One Original
One Lite
One Ultra Lite

Tested the picks against other 'normal' picks that I had.

The tone is definitely changed. Its most obvious when picking. I suppose the thickness and the rounded pointy tips of the V-picks give a fuller, sweeter sound when picking. In terms of strumming, the volume is definitely increased, and it sounds brighter. On the other picks that I normally use the sound is weaker.

The material of the v-picks does feel like its anti-slip and it does seem to stick to my fingers. But I've noticed when my fingers sweat or are wet, the anti-slip feel seems affected.

That said, its not my first time ordering the V-picks and trying them and I definitely will buy them again.
V pick convert here too, I immediately latched onto the vpick concept browsing youtube videos. No it will not make you play faster out of the box, however it rewards good technique. My pick of choice is the original Vpick small. Dont be afraid of the thickness, that is the concept. I cannot go back to Jazz 3's anymore lol.

6 dollars may seem alot but remember there are 3 edges on the equilateral picks. Brendon is a standup guy and he responds to enquiries very fast, so dont worry to direct your questions to him.

i just got my vpicks. 1 medium pointed, 1 medium rounded, 1 small pointed. all night glow! i thought it would be a waste if i were to drop these awesome picks in the dark so i decided to invest $1.50 more on a pick for the glowz just in case. when i 1st held it, omg i knew straight away these things are going to kick some serious asses!

i had always been a small pick guy. jazz 3s were my favorite. however, playing the medium pointed and medium rounded just changed my mind. they feel so much better than the jazz 3s! poor small pointed. it just got pwned by its medium sized brothers. nvm it still pwns the jazz 3s by light years.

i also bought a ultra light medium pointed as a birthday present for a precious friend. although it's supposed to be a present, i just had to 'try' it! strummed a G major chord, oh my... i think this makes an even better present than diamond!
Fabulous picks. Brendon first sent me the smaller ones to try, but that didn't cut it for me due to my larger fingers. But, once I got the bigger and thicker picks, I was well on my way.

I actually find a more mid-rangey response to the sound when the strings are attacked by these picks, and being a huge fan of the midrange (I'm a guitarist), I loved it! Picking dynamics are beautiful. Overall, the tone is rounded, soulful and has just the right amount of bite. The only complaint I have is that the V-picks wear out and become blunt after usage (but then I'm a heavy player, 3-4 hours of playing per session). Overall, great value and I can't see myself replacing these picks for a long time, especially when recording - where the extra midrange helps guitars to cut through the mix nicely.