I was sitting in the front row and I thought the fight sequence was UBER MESSY!
They were just rolling all over the floor... I like bumblebee's old camaro.

And they played Linkin Park twice. What's up with that? So many nice songs out there to advertise.

AND MEGAN FOX IS ON MAXIM JULY!!! Does anyone else think she looks a little plasticky?
Nice Movie.. Great to watch It.. One of the Best CGI movie of all time.. I'm too a Transformer Fan!!

:twisted: :twisted:
Just came back from watching the movie...kick@$$!

I'm not going to make comparisons between the cartoon and the movie. Just as much as I'm not going to bother comparing X-Men comics to the movies. Let's just treat it as it's own storyline. Guys who are faithful followers of the cartoon series, don't hope that they'll follow the cartoon canon.

In any case, I'm surprised no one mentioned that cute scene when Sam bought Bumble Bee. You know...when that car dealer tried to sell him a yellow Volkswagen Beetle and Bumble Bee bumped it with his right door?

Hello....yellow Beetle? Anyone see the irony? :lol:
wowwwww........ i'm sure so many people didn't get that... *pffffft*

wow, did you notice that the Camaro had a dangling thing on the rear view mirror and it was a bumble bee too?

okay, after watching it the second time, i realised that when Megatron swung something at Spike (atop the building - when Spike was holding on to dear life).. it was a sort of flail.. it's a reference to the classic battle between Megatron and OP.. when he was using an energy flail (purple) and OP had an energy Ax (orange).. and they were fighting atop a dam. (much like the Hoover dam in the movie..)

anymore references?
oh, her name megan fox ah... wah power2... but her face looks really ugly when closed up... ugh.. but her body pheewweeett....

anyone getting july's maxim??? im sure im not... haha
ya her body rocks. the face got something not right lah, looks worse in mag photoshoots. i think maybe she zhng her body :idea:
Yeah he face looks like it's gone under the knife one time too many. Good show nonethless, bumblebee's lil bee hanging thing had the word "bee-yoch"(or something like that) written on it. really cute.
It was "bee-otch" =))

Just watch it today too, freakin' awesome movie for me, I thoroughly enjoyed the fight scenes between the autobots and the deceptors. Totally kickbutt!
i thought that all of them are autobots??? Megatron and gang being called the decepticons not deceptors?? are the bad ones...

optimus prime and gang being called autobots the good ones just calls deemselves autobots???

Hmm, i don't really understand the last part.. when optimus said that all survivors we are here.. meaning they are taking refuge in earth??
i think some of the tag-lines were pretty cheesy though. and the other scientist chick.. hoo her accent's wayyy hot! next movie on my list, SIMPSONS (:
Not sure about the actual references in the cartoon, but the good guys call themselves the autobots and the bad guys (or at least OP calls the bad guys) call themselves the decepticons in the movie, lol.
The Transformer was so so...not up to my expectation, but Die Hard you've got to see this!! This is alot more better.I ended up watching both today.
Who did you guys think was more kickass? Optimus Prime or Megatron?
I'd vote for Megatron because he looks like a robot gone black metal!