
oh yeah, optimus has lips. his truck form looks like some ah beng decorated it with flames and lights after watching tokyo drift.

and bumblebee can pee!
Shinobi: last time if im not wrong transformers was not the only cartoon to have old school metal themes. last time power lah

thundercats and silverhawks also had a somewhat metal theme song methinks :D love the TMNT theme song. Visionaries not so much, but loved the cartoon tho.

Heard they're coming up with a Thundercats movie too.....they better choose the cast properly or its gonna be crap.
hell of an ACTION-PACKED movie... the end quite a giveaway that there will be a sequel. definitely a guy movie with the amount of action and booty (megan fox)

but at some parts of the movie i felt that optimus prime had a 60km/h sticker pasted on the back of his peterbilt :twisted: and has suicidal tendencies, seems to love death and sacrifice
but at some parts of the movie i felt that optimus prime had a 60km/h sticker pasted on the back of his peterbilt Twisted Evil and has suicidal tendencies, seems to love death and sacrifice

Maybe he watched 300 too... :lol:
okie i got an issue with the prime's mouth man, it looks like shite.
and wat the ending was kinda weird i thought.
but otherwise freaking kickass movie.
i wet my pants when the line " i am megatron" was said. wet my pantssss
wise there was more starscream though
Brothers, for old times' sake 8)
kick butt movie man. Prime had mouth? looks fuinny sia. I guess the movie gotta keep up woth time man. I mean. Bumblebee's new Camaro is way cooler than Beetle's. Starscream F22 is quite cool looking than the old F16.
Starscraeam walks as though he has wide crotch.

Overall good movie. Starscream is now in charge. He'll bring back Megatron back to unicron and make him into Galvatron.

I love Soundwave. If he's gonna appear in the 2nd movie. I don't think the producers will make Soundwave into a cassette player. :lol: We're in mp3 generation. Maybe into some vehicle or something.
pls put spoiler warning nxt time

eh guys... if you wanna put spoilers to the movie, pls put some kind of 'spoiler warning/disclaimer' beforehand ok cuz there's lots of us who haven watch it yet. txs! :)

im watching it tomoro :D
unicron still alive? i thought hot rod/rodimus prime destroyed unicron in the transformers cartoon movie... im not sure, 20 years my memory is abit fuzzy :?

the old bumblebee was damn cute and friendly, as he was meant to be. this new guy is more 'macho'. i felt that most of the transformers sounded like OLD MEN, mainly because they got some of the ORIGINAL voices from the 80's to do voice acting
my first time watching transformers today.. didn't know shit bout anything but the BABE WAS LIKE FRIGGIN HOT...

and that sam dude was like pinned back by the girl.. umph damn that shia le beouf dude..


oh chevrolet was extremely shiny... who died ah during the fighting scene??? i think the pontiac right?? but who'se he??

and i didn't see anyone flying off to space lehh... but there's definately gonna be a sequel... hoping that girl would play her role again hahaha....

megatron died.. but who the hell brought him back to the unicorn or whatever???

but that 18 wheeler was badd ass maan... and the mountain dew machine fired mountain dew to everyone - what happened to him and the cadillac that gets the radiation too huh??? THE XBOX ALSO?? WHAT HAPPENED??

haiyoo so many qns left unanswered... and did the optimus prime and his gang take refuge and called all of his people to earth to relex or go back to space together??
the show is wikid sick. i loved the series, but this new version of robots is great, it really shows the alien nature of the robots. and even autobots, they're alien looking, which totally explains why we would still be scared if you saw a hero like optimus.

the mouth for OP was added to give him more dimension, so you could see his expressions.

i loved it lah, just for the cool and yet nostalgic factor.. didnt care about the story, which other movie you know shows transforming robots on this magnitude? in frickin' CGI for that matter, not 2D cells.

"one shall stand and one shall fall"

lots of homage to the cartoon, and c'mon, Peter Cullen, the original OP voice! it doesn't get any better than this!! (you might recognise his voice in the Burning Crusade trailer too)

i'm still proud to be a transformer fan after this movie -))))
marcdadrummer, ur post really make me laugh lah :D

You got to wikipedia to get a better idea.


JAZZ was the one that died, if im not wrong.

I dunno man, i feel like the transformers Movie(cartoon) had a better plot than this, but still, this is a must-watch.
doesnt Starscream kick Megatron out, then Megatron floats in space and gets beamed in by Unicron who makes him Galvatron, and gives him Cyclonus and the Sweeps?

i think......
Oh, so its starscream who flew into space ah.. The plot was badass lah, the whole show is great, i give 5/5 for it!!! Oh ya, i didnt know which autobot died too. But i know its the small and useless one. "You want a piece of me???" "No, i want 2" WA THAT ONE POWER SIA! Megatron is cool lah
litford: "one shall stand and one shall fall"

lots of homage to the cartoon,

And I thought I was the only one who caught that reference, bro litford bro...

What I don't understand is that why pay Hugo Weaving tonnes of money just to do Megatron's voice while the original voice actor (help me out here...) will do.
hey, bro AY bro

original voice actor for Megatron was frank Welker (who incidentally was the voice / nibbles of Nibbler in Futurama)

Peter Cullen was OP, who you might also recognise as the voice of Eeyor from Winnie the Pooh. -))

Hahaha.. i think Michael Bay only referenced the cartoon with those two lines "One Shall Stand and One Shall Fall" and "Freedom is the Right of all sentient beings".

my fav would have beeen -
Megatron: "Please Prime! No More!!"
Optimus: "You Megatron, who are without mercy, now PLEAD FOR IT? I thought you were made of sterner stuff..."

and since we're on the subject of the cartoon movie:
when Starscream was throwing injured decepticons out of astrotrain -

Megatron: "Wait.. I ssstil..ll ff..unction.."
Starscream: "Wanna Bet?" (throws Megatron out into space"
Megatron: "STARSCREAMMMM...!!!!"

plenty more where that came from.. i'm a transformer movie quoting machine..


1. Optimus Prime DECAPITATES Bone Crusher in one swift move. BRUTAL!!!! fucken energo sword straight into the throat and proceeds to yank his head off. NICE. goes to show you don't wanna mess with even one of the most magnanimous heroes.

2. Jazz gets ripped in two as someone so kindly put.

3. Starscream flies off into space (i just thought you'd like to know that)

4. Ironhide has a sense of humour, a dull one at that.. keeps wanting to blow shit up

5. They play LINKIN PARK at the end!!!! (i'm being VERY sarcastic for those of you who don't pick sarcasm up very well..)

6. The kickass credit sequence that looks like they had no budget to do a proper one, or the movie was so kickass, the for once in the history of movies, the credit sequence actually looks super cheap compared to the movie.

7. you wanna get a camaro after watching the movie.
My most memorable line fro the cartoon movie was from the green coloured robot,forgot his name, when the decepticons were attacking autobot city.

"I've got better things to do tonight than die!"