Am I the only one who doesn't really find the Transformers in this movie impressive? :lol: Don't get me wrong...I LOVE the cartoon series but in my opinion, the movie made the Transformers a little too 'mechanical/lifeless' looking...lots of wires, chasis, bolts and nuts and what-nots...kinda lost the familiar element. It's the familiar shapes/colours in the cartoon series that sold me to watching them...(yeah...and bumblebee is no longer a cute Volkswagon in this movie )
nowadays i find that serial drama in tv [not local drama,its like grey's anatomy,supernatural,boston legal,etc.] is getting better than all the movies in cinema,but its just my personal preference
they put alot of thought into changing the shape of the transformers
"In rendering the Transformers on screen, Michael Bay chose a direction that heavily stressed advanced kinematics and realistic engineering. Feeling the classic "boxy" style of drawing Transformers would look fake in a three-dimensional environment, he decided to design each Transformer with thousands of visible pieces, giving the illusion of true mass. There is no morphing in the film, as with in the cartoon, and every character stays the same size, providing an explanation for the Earth forms they choose to take. In keeping with Bay's desire to make a film about a robot alien invasion of Earth, the characters were also made to look less humanoid, though Bay still wanted to keep them emotionally involving. One example was creating an eye design that resembled a camera shutter. Such detail meant Industrial Light and Magic spent 38 hours rendering each frame of the characters' digital models. Ironhide's gun alone has 10,000 pieces."
and since this it's the first movie of its kind... i hv no high expectations of it. then again i tink it's going to be rEALLY cool!!! i mean like yeah.. the cartoon are better and got comic arr?? hahhaa but now its in the moviess!!!
that itself is power!!! and by the looks of things they put in a lot of effort in making the autobots and deceptacons! even Steven Spielberg is invloved in it! mORE reason to catch it!!!!
of course comic books, drama series are better. they have time to move on to the next issue/episode to fully explore the characters and plot. a movie can only squeeze everything into 3 hours. or 3 movies.