wasn't just my imagination right, but Megatron did loom over Prime in the movie yeah? Prime was like only 2/3s his size or something
guys u should go check out Black Sheep too ---> Zombie sheeps that ravage the farmers with vicious teeth. New Zealand campy horror flick!
this Transformers movie, hey, it's a must-watch. Tonnes of action.

If we break down the 30 frames-per-second and analyse them, the mechanical transformation movements may not make much sense... but... who cares?

Still feeling excited after watching it this morning. 8)

I hope the producers are planning for a part 2. :D
Not really. It represents the goat or devil and used prevalently in the metal scene. You don't really see that in Bon Jovi concerts.

OR.. Its a sign you use to put curse on other people or protecting you from one. Thats according to Mr. Dio, the man who started it all.
Thats the love sign la with the thumb. \m/ is usually meant for the devil sign. maybe..\\m/ haha
y megatron so imba... where did he get his vehical form from? cybertron? and that jazz ninja dude... was he armed with some lousy pistol or something? cuz he shot megatron twice when he was being flung around and there was no damage done to megatron at all...

oh yes.. and the "stop lubricating them..." haha

there was something really weird though.. at the start when the helicopter guy was soloing the base, his attack power seemed to be like, mega destructive (esp that shockwave thing), giving the impression that earth's defense and weapons were paper to the transformers.. but when it came to the battle scene, no such "aoe" attacks were used to widespread damage and destruction?
come to think of it, maybe megatron crash landed on earth probably ALSO due to his alien jet form, which isnt suited for earth re-entry or something. The autobots on the other hand, were shaped like teardrop comets.
5 stars for this show man ... awesome...

the leading actress is one hot chick too...
show is alittle over 2hrs... very good value for money
the animations were out of this world ....

Next up is DIEHARD 4.0 and simpsons.