Top 10 Fastest Guitar Shredders of all time


New member
:D :D

Prolly been done to death,but...after Guitar Ones list,there need be some justice in this world...

plus,i remember the time i thought Kirk Hammett and Kerry King are da bomb :lol:

So here votes(in no order as usual)

Shawn Lane
Jason Becker
Allan Holdsworth
Vinnie Moore
John Petrucci
Paul Gilbert
Rusty Cooley
Herman Li
Frank Gambale

NOTICE:this is not the BEST or GREATEST guitar shredders but just the Fastest.(IMO)

what do you guys think :twisted:
I find it hard to believe there are many faster than shawn lane:P ofcrouse articulation and accuracy is understood:P

I would love to see some videos of the pleyers you mentioned and any others.Speed is sucha turn on :D
bluepowder said:
I find it hard to believe there are many faster than shawn lane:P ofcrouse articulation and accuracy is understood:P

I agree. Shawn Lane is mind numbing fast. Even with a 2 finger run.
Gr3y said:
speed without feeling and melodic lines = nothing
tts my personal point of view.

yes yes we all know that la....they talking about speed here let them la why always sure got some guy come in and say this :lol:
Nice to have you contributing again Pisonic.

I gotta youtube some Shawn Lane again. The man is freaky fast but yet, there's so much going on! Its insane.
i tot tt time rolling stones put Michael Angelo fastest? I agreed with that until i saw herman li and thought he was equally fast or faster..hmm..
Cause we are afraid he will sue us for not putting him as number 1 ... Or just because of the fact that he actually called one of his fans stupid for asking him how fast he could play ...
michael angelo batio is a good shredder but i dont think the best, but if ur tokin bout his tapping.... aha.. aha.. ahaha :twisted: