Its ok, I missed YNGWIE MALMSTEEN because of CHEMISTRY. I so hate school.
E maths was easy !
but (LOL!)lovelovelovelove. the simultaneous equation i CARELESS MISTAKE AND FOUND OUT RIGHT AFTER THE TIME UP.
-_- anyway. 3 marks byebye. still got 10 more papers!
yeah. must be like alert man.. you still have 10 papers?
woo... so far a maths paper 2 was a killer paper for me. And english paper 1 situational writing topic was also difficult...didn noe what to write. But the rest is still pretty good!
woo history paper on tuesday! im on a rush to finish revising the content for my history papers!
amaths was indeed a killer. gonna flop man. you take core history?
ah history. i feel the education biased for geog sia. u guys ur content they never tell you guys what can u choose or what. for geog can choose 1 from natural geog and 1 from human geog. lol. luckily i took geog too.