MM stands for MAMPAT MANN HAHAHAHAHA. nudge nudge... reverse headstocks are all good in the hood man, does the low E string being the longest have any effect?
soon .. maybe next year.. i'll prob get something shell pink .. right now ive got the reliced srv sunburst look , seafoam green, white/grey from the ej...
im still lacking a daphne blue and shell pink...
with the necks prob same SRV back contour with 6105 SS frets .. my hands have grown accustomed to this shape.
then i'll hang these on my wall like a "stratocaster art" display.
heheh... we shell pinkies are few and far between. But it's a colour that says: "you damn well better be able to play that thing if you're taking it on stage." whahahaha...
I'm totally gassing for a nice black EBMM silhouette now. Dunno where to find. Might have to get it next when I travel...
hmmm ebmms are nice... but i prefer the special .. something about those dimarzio single coils at the neck that i cant put down.. they sound too good la..
but my ebmm days are over la.. very nice guitars but.. i prefer a good beatup strat or a chunky gibson lp anyday now...
shell pink also says... " im man enough to wear pink. "
hmmm ebmms are nice... but i prefer the special .. something about those dimarzio single coils at the neck that i cant put down.. they sound too good la..
I prefer the non-special shape. Considering it's a HSH route, I'm sure I can simply change the pickguard and have it configured to SSS. But the DiMarzio at the neck? I got a feeling it's not the pup alone you like, but also the combination with the silent circuit. I'll remove those and dump Kinmans in there... heh. :twisted:
wah you hardcore kinman fan man ...
i had the avn blues set once... with gold plated pole pieces! and the entire wiring assembly... its really something you can install yourself.. very cool.
ultra quiet too! even with high gain...
Sub! nice what!!
or you could send it to a car spray paint shop and get it refinished! haha..
i'm not quite of a strat user (tho i'm starting to like it )... i saw one limited edition stratocaster called "Aloha Stratocaster" owned by Matthew Bellamy of Muse...
says there's only 153 produced... anybody happened to own it here?