The Pink Floyd Sound


New member
Hi all, are there fans of Pink Floyd here? I'm a recent convert. ;)

I'm currently trying to nail the classic Pink Floyd guitar tone, like in the song 'Shine on you Crazy Diamond'. Check out the wonderful vid!

Anyone knows what effects are being used, in particular for the OD/distortion? I read there is a EHX Electric Mistress in the mix.
gilmour is probably the biggest tone freak i can think of. good luck chasing his tone!

the amount of high end effects he uses are crazy
phil : hi 5!

And most importantly to sound like gilmour , you need to string your guitar with gilmour's signature GHS boomers.

ok just kidding. but its a quite a cheap and decent set of strings.
Thanks for the info, guys. One step at a time. Looks like I got to check out the big muff, little big muff or rat II for OD/distortion. :-D
Thanks for the info, guys. One step at a time. Looks like I got to check out the big muff, little big muff or rat II for OD/distortion. :-D

hey just to let u know,

todays big muffs are actually different from the muffs gilmour used. his favourite was a rams head big muff:

getting one of these wont be easy and not to mention the extreme prices you'll have to pay

imo todays russian big muff, the black one sounds a bit closer compared to the american big muff. the american one will not get u close to david gilmours tone at all.
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Ahh.. David Gilmour, one of my favourites..

Vintage efx, pete cornish stuff is what you need to supplement your playing..

Remember the key thing is supplement - you need to learn loads of his licks, study his technique and playing to play it like him!

There're loads of fan sites out there that are gear fanatics like him on what settings he uses..

My favourite muff settings was on Comfortably Numb.. Great tone on that one.. Endless sustain.

I am a big fan of his playing and his tone! =D Amp wise u will need one with lots of headroom, so that u can crank up the volume as loud as possible verging on the point of distortion, that's how he keeps his tone so clean and yet so much sustain. And he uses his whammy bar for maintaining that sustain too. But of course its in his magical fingers as well. =D
DG isn't a fast technical player but I like the way he puts melody in his solos.

Has anyone ever heard DG's solo on Paul McCartney's No More Lonely Nights song? Love the ending solo..:)
My Fudge73 .... but needs an amp with huge clean headroom to nail Gilmour.
I voiced it more for Pete Townshend's tone...all based on the triangle muff with period correct components.
The triangle muff gives lots of sustain with a Strat ...not much the whammy bar.
Since i am not makin em no more ... check out Skreddy pedals. ;)
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the local dealer for skreddy is Malcolm (, he has been bringing skreddy pedals over the last couple years. So there are quite a number of skreddy pedals around.

I have a mayo myself, good for what it does, but need a decent amp to run it through. If not, no majik and prolly give eletronic components blues meant for halfass sound art piece.
Past few days on the internet really opened up my eyes to the wide variety of options available to approximate the gilmour sound. :p

Based on what I read & heard online, I have shortlisted my distortion options to either a RAT 2 or BYOC Large Beaver (pre-built). Both are similarly priced and not too expensive.

Which one would you go for? Any feedback on these 2 pedals would be greatly appreciated. ;)