The Line 6 Fan thread, heh...

On my Toneport's Gearbox, I actually don't mind some of the clean tones on the amp modellers. In fact, I found my setting for an amp that can take my pedlas pretty well, and for some one who is into recording more than performing with a guitar, that seriously helped!

The high-gain drive settings leaves much to be desired though... :?

I like the Ubermetal. Compared to alot of high-gain pedals it might pale in comparison if you put it straight through an amp and hear it live, but like I said, I am a recording type guy. A bit of tweaking in post-recording and tadaaaa! For the purists who about to flame me on this, this is a fact: one of the most heavily tweaked genres in mixing, if not the most, is rock and heavy metal albums. So the guitar tone you hear on CD is NOT how it originally sounds like most of the time ;)

... And I REALLY appreciate the inbuilt noise gate, heh.

... Of course it's not the only hi-gain pedal I own. I still need my tone variation.

... And I still can't help but desire a Sansamp for that Mesa sound :p
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not a cult follower of LINE6 but i have my appreciations for the Pocket POD


I've been toying with my PODx3Live lately. Im a fan since PODx3Live came out.. just becoz of the inclusion of SPDIF output. here's a sample of an intro of my new song:

Before that Im a digitech GNX2 fan, due to its accurate Mesa Boogie Rectifier model and SPDIF output. I still use it to record rectifier sound. I think GNX series have nice modulation effects..esp the whammy. Too bad only GNX2 has SPDIF output. Still one of my precious item that I can't let go.
Sub: I was considering to get the Pocket POD as my quiet practice amp, actually. Beats turning on the PC every single time. :)
of all the modellers, the dl4 became quite a hit with geetar folks coz of the time when it came out, round 2000 or was it 2001, there wasnt something similar in term of delay where it offer choices in such small enclosure.

touring folks wont have to lug around their vintage stuff for tour/shows. And most importantly, any of those modellers thingy if spoilt can be replaced easily from dealers in various cities, countries.

strangely, all the rack mount modellers were discountined by line 6 couple years ago if not wrong.

dl4 rocksss for the oscillation sound in it, got an oscillaltion sounding like chirping bird!
I'm using both digital and analog fx since I started playing guitar. I like line 6 drive for recording. And some amp models sound nice thru a tube amp. I dont think line 6 drives sound thin. U can say im a newbie :p

subversion, if only the pocket pod has in-built recorder and flash memory or minisd card slot, it'll be a perfect device for ppl to record ideas.
Well it pretty much depends on what situation which you're using line6 drives la.

For recording I feel it is pretty superb, they actually do sound excellent as compared to analog pedals when recorded line in.

But if you play through an amp just like that, it seems OK at first, but when you compare other drive pedals along side with it, it would definitely pale in comparison.

Line6 recording gear rocksss. Their amp modelers through recording is da bomb!
For recording I feel it is pretty superb, they actually do sound excellent as compared to analog pedals when recorded line in.

But if you play through an amp just like that, it seems OK at first, but when you compare other drive pedals along side with it, it would definitely pale in comparison.

Yes! I very the agree :mrgreen:
But if you play through an amp just like that, it seems OK at first, but when you compare other drive pedals along side with it, it would definitely pale in comparison.

this is the reason why my Pocket POD sounds better through a speaker rather than amps...


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