Hi guys
Thanks for the feedback. I will take note of these and try to improve as much as possible. But I will need all your help.
Let me reply to your concerns accordingly.
You asked me how to show that your item is sold right? I answered "post a reply in the thread stating the status or any updates accordingly" right?
The reason why the edit function is disabled is keep the information posted intact. We have cases where fake items were posted but when confronted, the user edit their posts and wiggle their way out.
While we all would love to have things available free, somehow, someone will have to ultimately fork out the dough. When we implemented the 4-free-ad-and-pay-for-5-and-more, there were some initial resistance. As time went by, many users grown to like the thumbnail that is shown together with the ad and how everything is listed neatly (price, condition, photos, contact).
The running cost went up considerably because of the space needed for the attaching images. But we were able to survive with the $0.50 we collected.
Interesting observation: A lot of the items sold cost more than $50, I personally feel $0.50 as an investment to make a $50 sale is reasonable.
Near future implementation
Since early this year, I have dabbled with the possibility of making SOFT available as Apps on iOS and Android platform. I am trying to optimise the whole site thus moved the Classified Ads section back into the forum. Although we will miss the photos and $0.50, it is something that we will have to do now, for the future.
"google yourself la"
Whenever I come across this kind of reply, I will usually remove them. Everyone have the right to ask,anyone can choose not to answer. BUT, "Every master was once a disaster!" 10 years ago, some of us might have received help from another SOFTie, now that we are somewhat older and wiser, we can help some rookies too.
I am glad that SOFT can still be of service to you, even in the form of Classified section. We move through phases in life where our needs and wants changes. Maybe soon, you might ask "Which piano school should my 5 year old go to?" Hee ... hee...
For those still around
I want to thank you for your continuous support. Though you might not have felt as much love from me, you have to excuse me cos I am a shy/soft person.
Do keep posting your feedback/suggestion in this thread. We are all working towards a better community for the music people. This has been the initial goal and will always be the reason why SOFT is still around.