sorry ah, i only come here to show off. can't be seen slackin' off at work too much.. but yes! i have a new bass in my life, a 2nd hand CIJ Fender Precision in cream -)
gonna deck her out in nordstrands sometime, i'll be lookin' for you cherns! -)
from the left to the right:
Yamaha BB1500A aka BB
CIJ Fender Precision aka Isobel
CIJ Fender Jazz aka Oren Ishii
yayyy, i finally have a p-bass again! how i missed that passive thump -)
The P is back! I got one recently, born in the same year and month as me...So happy is I. Its a Greco, not a Fender btw. Strings are so tight, that I think if I install Flatwounds, they won't vibrate when plucked!
could put ti's in i guess. one of the lowest tension flats out there. they're great on my tokai p. lots of thumpy goodness. btw, the greco in my post in the last page was the one anthony was telling you about tension is also really tight.
Tim_1002: Yeah. Tight Strings, tight underwear for high-pitched rocker vocals. I think it all makes sense now I think I'd only put flats on a rosewood boarded bass man, I dunno why thats just me.
Shinobi: I asked Rui to take my name off, damn paiseh. Looks like he was too late!
Litty: Don't liddat la, and btw don't use that word la. Remind people of Wayne again. Tsk.
Just bought a CIJ Fender P in 2ts with *my favourite*... MAPLE GLOSSED NECK!! I absolutely love Ps with maple necks. I know z3r0_g doesn't like them tho.. Will post pics when I get back home. :wink: