korg DT-10>MXR Bass DI>MXR Dyna Comp>Teaser Stallion>Prunes & Custard>Digitech Synth Wah
all powered by a T Rex Engineering Fuel Tank
bought the teaser stallion for my guitar but tried it out on my bass for kicks and to my delight it sounded pretty cool.. a grain-y type of drive as compared to the P&C which can get a little weird itself.
looking to change the Dyna Comp for something else.. any suggestions?
initially i was considering the citrus comp (support local a bit la) but i reckon since it isn't specifically designed for bass there might be some tonal issues.
I'm using the citrus comp right now on my basses and I haven't noticed any loss of low-end as yet. Have to agree with Sub on the EBS Multicomp though. You can't go wrong with their stuff.
yup but to be exact what it says on the headstock is Fender Jazz Bass Special. it was left with my parents in the 80s when the owner left the country but never came back. very cool bass but i'm using the newer Jazz Bass now cause i find it's a little brighter which i'm digging at the moment.