The Bass Picture Gallery

Woa. It looks pretty damn good man! Still love the wooden pickguard... touch of class! :D

Just curious... what did you use to stain the wood?
iverson763: i used Kimber-O Wood Dye, pitchpine colour. Initially i wanted tung oil. But couldn't find it. I stumbled upon this shop along bendemeer road there .. near sim lim and they sold some wood working dyes and stuff ...

z3r0_G: yeah, the dyed dried up quite a fair bit but still flakey lah ... like if i rub too much against my white shirt it'll come off a little ... so .. not very nice. In a month or so time when i change my strings i'll try to REALLY dismantle everything and sand down properly and dye a thin layer THEN use wood lacquer to protect the dye ... =) .. wait till then for more pics!
She's here :)

Quite the departure from the boutique stuff that I have, but it's custom nonetheless and for the money - it's really good :)

Click on the pic to go to my website for more pics and the full review!
exin: Personally i preferred the original colour, but each his own i guess, nice to see you have the guts to do something like that with your precious, personally i wouldn't have the guts to do much stuff on my own with my bass... heh... that fretless looks yummy!!! though for me aesthetically i would prefer an unlined board, but with lines like that they do look invisible from afar anyhow. :lol:

I quote from your review
If you’re thinking about buying a mass produced 2nd brand (i.e. MIM Fender/Squier/OLP…) bass, I’ll strongly recommend that you try out one of these as well. Here are some vainpot pics for your enjoyment ;)
makes me wonder how much it is I'm interested in maybe getting a fretless as well. maybe pm me the price? thanks
wow.. the wood is definitely sweet man.. is that a satin finish? cos i dun see any sparkle.. if its gloss its marvelous..
Hur hur ... it's finally done. I managed to re-dye my bass body and finish it with a coat of clear finish.

here are the pics ... warmoth/warmoth_finished.jpg warmoth/warmoth_finished5.jpg warmoth/warmoth_finished4.jpg warmoth/warmoth_finished2.jpg

If you compare it to the previous pictures it's shiny.

Here's the process.

Sanded down the old finish. Technically supposed to clean off dirt/grim with white spirit but was too lazy to do it. Re-dyed the whole body with Kimber-O Wood Dye and finished it with Nippon Pylox clear paint around 4 - 5 coats.

Feels really nice now. =)
woo.. looks like high quality parquet. haha.. very dark.. maybe u shoul have lacquered it instead. finish looks 'spotted' if u know wad mean. but a nice walnut/mahogany colour!
cherns said:
Now all you need to do is make an ebony or maple pickguard :D

i should have gotten that ebony pickguard that time when i got it fixed .. =P ... it's okay .. i still like it ..

it's spotted because the lacquer didn't fall on the body too well, some parts i had to hand-lacquer ... so yeah .. but it's nice ... =)
Reggie Hamilton Standard Bass

My New MIM Reggie Hamilton Standard Bass

This just in yesterday! Happy happy joy joy!


The arrival of the bass at my office in the morning. SG Post made me pay additional handling fee and GST. Bloodsucking !@#$%^!%





well done bro, now all you have to do is haul it over to my place and we can blast it on the ampeg until Jason's wall collapses.
Ken said:
well done bro, now all you have to do is haul it over to my place and we can blast it on the ampeg until Jason's wall collapses.

Oi, don't lah... Later we must spend a day helping him repaint and move!

Don't blame me when you notice a Thunderbird missing at the end of the day :P