The Art Of Gear Stomping (TAGS)


New member



Saturday 21 May 2005
Substation Gallery
1400 to 2000hr
entrance fee: $2 (we are negotiating for some freebies)

The Art Of Gear Stomping is the first-of-its-kind event in Singapore where major guitar equipment dealers come together and showcase their products. This reflects our collective love for guitar pedals and all things guitar related. We even have gear clinics by our very own musicians who are gear aficionados. They'll show how they incorporate the use of effects as part of their songs.

TAGS is a collaboration between Platform and MrMisse Electronics and is supported by The Substation and Aging Youth Productions.

Gear clinics featuring:
Daniel Sassoon - Electrico
Fuzz - Phorous, IF
Linda Ong - Lunarin
Muhammad Alkhatib - Astreal
Nick Chan - Astreal, The Death Of Cinema, MUON
Seng Woei Yuan - The Love Experiment
Wendy Phua- Zhen

City Music
JM Guitars
MRMISSE (featuring airhole mods n loopboxes)
Hi all..

the schedule for the show n tell is something like this..

3:00pm - 3:30pm :: Wendy (Zhen), Daniel (Electrico)
4:30pm - 5:15pm :: Seng (The Love Experiment), Linda (Lunarin), Fuzz (Phorous, IF)
6:30pm - 7:00pm :: Mohmat (Astreal), Nick (Astreal, Muon, The Death of Cinema)
Lifehouse said:
My Rig: Gibson SG 61' Reissue | Parker Nitefly SA with EMGs | Line 6 Flextone III | Blueridge BR-343 Gospel | U.S Masters Super T Deluxe | Upcoming Efx: PedalworX Dirty Angel Custom Order

Your rig looks goot....

V. few Parker Fly players ard... :D
soft said:
how can SOFT sneak in and scoop some trade secret ?.... :bear:

Just come down! :D

No need to sneak in! Sorry, there is nothing with keyboards this year. I hope the organisers will expand the concept next year. Maybe we'll have our very own NAMM soon eh? :wink:
Hopefully, this one will turn out well... and the organisers can do another the next year with more dealers and more varied instruments ie. drums, computer software, etc. :D
Lifehouse said:
Mrmisse peddling any new toys that day? I'm gassing for your OCD to arrive.. Hehe.. :smt002 :smt003 :smt001

yeah got the new toadworks pedals aka Mr Ed, Mr Squishy, Death Rattle and company.. the new delay pedal is coming soon..

n yeah the OCDs will be here by then.. :D
AgingYouth said:
I hope the organisers will expand the concept next year.

given the superbly limited space we have in Substation.. we cannot possibly accomodate all types of concept so it's better to specialise.. don't worry, we'll definitely look into other areas if this one goes well.. thanks for the suggestions mr youth that's aging kekeke..