Hi all, it was fun meeting up with everyone, to me the highlights were,
1.Having a great conversation with pathein about our good old camp days
2.Chatting with Malcolm , Randolf and Goose about their love for Bowie
3.Trying out Malcolm's custom strat, one of the best strats I've ever tried, with his lovely amp
4.Trying out Randolf's Modded pedals-Very Very nice, Also his beautiful sounding custom shop fender strat, AMAZING-I didn't want to stop playing man-BTW, you were excellent on the guitars
5.Trying out Goose's new drive pedal, simple to use, great at what it does-use it last in the chain for amazing results
6.messing around with edder's Vishuda Fuzz- paired with his Roland JC 50, it had nuances i didnt think fuzz pedals could have-I'm a convert!
7.another great highlght was witnessing misse being nagged by his old lady!
8.Playing around with the new BFG Gibsons on display, At least now I know what its all about
9.king Of britains-Enough said
10.having great fun at the guitar clinic by simon, it was funny lah
11.Blueark was very low profile, but beneath his composure is a mad scientist lah, always trying out revolutionary ideas
Thank you Misse for your efforts,
I was a full fledged gear geek for a day!