TAGS2007: the NU10

Nice meeting u too Chris, but didn't manage to take a photo with u

some photos,

TYMC Setting up

TYMC and Misse

Harmonizing a solo with Ark...*kidding* just coincidentally testing

TYMC and James

Tags07 at the entrance

Augus and CK

Hi all, it was fun meeting up with everyone, to me the highlights were,

1.Having a great conversation with pathein about our good old camp days

2.Chatting with Malcolm , Randolf and Goose about their love for Bowie

3.Trying out Malcolm's custom strat, one of the best strats I've ever tried, with his lovely amp

4.Trying out Randolf's Modded pedals-Very Very nice, Also his beautiful sounding custom shop fender strat, AMAZING-I didn't want to stop playing man-BTW, you were excellent on the guitars

5.Trying out Goose's new drive pedal, simple to use, great at what it does-use it last in the chain for amazing results

6.messing around with edder's Vishuda Fuzz- paired with his Roland JC 50, it had nuances i didnt think fuzz pedals could have-I'm a convert!

7.another great highlght was witnessing misse being nagged by his old lady!

8.Playing around with the new BFG Gibsons on display, At least now I know what its all about

9.king Of britains-Enough said

10.having great fun at the guitar clinic by simon, it was funny lah

11.Blueark was very low profile, but beneath his composure is a mad scientist lah, always trying out revolutionary ideas

Thank you Misse for your efforts,

I was a full fledged gear geek for a day! :D :D
You forgot another highlight...

Discovering that both me and you put on so much weight since we last met! :lol:

CK Nice to finally meet you man! Great products, service and what a nice guy!
Hey thanks everyone for coming down to TAGS. It was great fun even though I had to run off in the middle. Thanks specially to Randolf, City Music, Shaun (kena arrow to do the workshop), Amanda and Simon for the workshops and James for the video-ing. And of course all the dealers who took time off to lug heavy gear down just to make some noise. And also to the special Om brew.

As usual, we'll start planning very early for the next TAGS but like all tradition, slack off till the very end and inform everyone at the last min. LOL! Next year, we WILL control the noise levels. Yea right. hahaha
This was my third ...and loved it !!

Misse and fellas did a great job and it was nice to see all the noisemakers !!

Awesome !! 8)
Ok next year i'll bring a totally mad delay pedal to help contribute to the noise :D

Had fun meeting all the folks. Tremendous respect for all goose's amazing builds, edder's fuzz and homebrew, randolf's intricate mods and looping prowess, as well as all the friendly dealers :D
hur hur thanks to all who came to support and especially to everyone of the dealers and those who conducted the workshops. Special mention goes to the door bitch aka pathein and bro om bro for his ohmo brew and of course to terence from platform for getting the venue and doing all that behind the scene run arounds amid his chaotic schedule..

tags will still be a show to feature 'underground' indie dealers, you know where to find them, so please continue to show your support.

mindfokingboy... wah lao.. NOT LOUD ENOUGH LAH! my laney amp still working leh..
everyone is talking about my homebrew... how to sell pedals like that har??? might as well quit and brew illegal beer!!! hahahaa..... :twisted:

Make this a bi-annual event! I'll bring double the amount of beer! :twisted:
Ah! It was a nice nice sat being with the rest of the fellow TAGs folks. Thanks once again to Terence and Mr Misse for getting this annual gathering cum guitar pdals and assorted gear showcase and all the attendees familiar and new.

James and Wifey what a pair you two friendly and smiley as always.

Edwin started the ball rolling early by offering me some "coffee" which turned out to be some kinda exotic home made brew which obviously quickly became the house favourite when word got around. Everyone was chatty and friendly and the mood was fantastic.

Blueark had some really nice selection of aluminium die cast chassis which I'll be intersted to acquire soon for my own stuffings soon. Edwin had a custom designed and self built really pretty looking retro green with cream chicken head knobs that was a great sounding fuzz which I wish had a chance to test run.

Malcom had a really nice custom built variation of the classic strat with a lovely lovely neck and immaculately dressed stainless steel fret board. Misse as usual with his exciting assortment of unusual pedals.

I took particular interest in the Expression controller pedal which Blueark showed me. Yoong do take note I need it to replace my current accident prone Proel pedal real soon.

Simon of Zero Sequence (looking much like Astro Boy with that post reservist haircut) besides being a fine shredder in his own right was a charmer and upcoming rock star comedian. It was funny and also interesting to have him run through my rig where I had loads of fun playing guitar tech tweaking my setup for his eclectic display of 7 string wonders.

Nicholas who played my "Telefied" Fender Custom Shop Strat was obviously having a ball of a time with his fine display of Hendrix moves and bluesy feel. Nice dude.

Will of Blindspot who came by and test run my rig obviously displaying 2nd thoughts about his mutieffect setup. Anytime Will!

Goose, who let me test run his new concoction of a pedal. Dude, nothing excites me more than the "Velcro Fuzz" So do let me know when it's ready ya.

Mike, one of the nicest blokes ever who of City Music surprised me with his eclectic guitaring skills demonstrating the Variax.

Edwin had a custom designed and self built really pretty looking retro green with cream chicken head knobs that was a great sounding fuzz which I wish had a chance to test run.

haiyaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!Now only I realised that you didn't had a go thro it! Next time bro randolf bro!
Nicholas who played my "Telefied" Fender Custom Shop Strat was obviously having a ball of a time with his fine display of Hendrix moves and bluesy feel. Nice dude.

Aww Dude, Thanks man, but honestly,I really do love your awesome Fender man, My fingers are still buzzing man..Now that is how a Strat should sound...Remember to Pm me when you selling :D :lol:

need illegal dodgy corporate sponsorship???? for every gig played there will be illegal beer! :lol: