The Aftermath of Bras Basah Swee Lee Year End Sale!

Hmm, it's alrdy over!! Well, it's jus fated that if you cant get anything you want, jus try nex year or sth? No use flaming others without revealing your identity, it's really childish. Chill alrighty?
"Hmm, it's alrdy over!! Well, it's jus fated that if you cant get anything you want, jus try nex year or sth? No use flaming others without revealing your identity, it's really childish. Chill alrighty?"

I agree that flaming without identifying yourself is wrong and that whoever he is should just stop.I've got nothing against neuro but if someone were to cut my queue i don't think that i can let it slide.(note: no one cut my cut yesterday cause i stood up)

Kaye--losing to fate is like when a bolt of lighting strikes i.e u cannot do anything about it. Losing it because someone cut your queue is something totally different altogther.Never short change yourself.
alright over already...but what concerns me the most is the littering that are left on the floor outside all over the place man...those poor cleaners gotta clean up all the mess man...
actually i was the 3rd guy to satrt queing... the group infront of me start multiplying due to frenz..... i guess same thing happen to the back & i don't wish to mention names.... despite all this....

when the sale began people start cutting que like nobody business i was really angry then, i shouted twice at the guy in white singlet, he is a jack-ass man, trying to cut my que cut everybody que, he wasn't even suppose to be at the front. People i saw cutting que, i don't to mention names but i finally know yr true colour and i was disappoint abt such act... this is an event that i though could meet some great ppl, end up i got to meet up all those crap ppl.

Although i got what i wanted to get, RG350EXBK.... but in the end, i guess next year all the following sales they could change the system of que to be make it fair for the ppl way behind....

i was in front and i can alrdy feel it is unfair, what abt thoes ppl at the back.
nevertheless, now i know who are those SELFISH ppl, to avoid yr reputation being smash i don't want to mention names, and u know who u are......

i realli felt sorry for thoes who are behind that group of ppl, if u guys didn't get what you wanted, it is not because u are not early enough, it is juz because ppl in front are crap, those who join their frenz the night before is still alright although it is alrdy not the right thing to do, but i can still see ppl joining their frenz in the morning!!!! what abt the guys behind who waited more then 12hrs for their shot at the guitars...

guys at the back (behind that grp of ppl) i salute you for the waiting and i really feel the unfairness for u guys, next time round you guys juz come earlier.... :)
oh ya, if u wish to know me.... i am the guy wearing a black shirt and black cap, i didn't do any thing that is wrong and felt it is wrong.... so i don't ppl like to start saying i am blah blah blah, i think nero shld know me....

anyway overall saying: sales great!!! people i say disappointed...
I knew it. Swee Lee restocked for today's sale. There was a Q before the doors opened at just after 11 but everybody in the Q manged to get in. It was definitely not as mad as yesterday. There were new guitars, cymbal packs, effects and such. I'm sure they will do the same tomorrow (altho the restocked items will get less and less attractive I bet).
somebody said:
hifi_killer Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 4:16 am Post subject:


i think they should prolly implement a "take a number" system for the next time.

i'd second that. =)

no la cannot what happens if they take number then go home sleep and go in the morning?
just as expected..who wants to give new SZ320 at half the that swee lee close long time ago..lucky i never go.

just wait for 2006 models to arrive then they will have another sale..
thats the time to grab SZ models. Hope those lucky ones are happy with their displayed items.
Kaye said:
Hmm, it's alrdy over!! Well, it's jus fated that if you cant get anything you want, jus try nex year or sth? No use flaming others without revealing your identity, it's really childish. Chill alrighty?

kaye u when with fatin??