The Aftermath of Bras Basah Swee Lee Year End Sale!

xklusivly4u said:
neuro182 said:
? ? ? Why not on sale ? ? ?

No idea. I was about the make the payment.

Sim Drive sale was much better.

I think you must have misread the deal on JS SPecial.
Actually, for all Retail Listed Priced Items, they were all going for 50%. And for Nett items, they are going for 10%.
JS Special was part of the sale. However, as it was usually priced at 'Nett'. This guitar was going for 10%. This goes the same for Gibson Zakk Wylde and Gibson 57 Gold Top too. ;)

There was actually another JS100 that went for 50% off but I think it was Sold Out way much earlier...

We regret the inconvenienced caused.

Music Invitation
pinkfloydrose said:
Can faulty equipments be replaced?? just bought a dd3 at the sale and it cannot work.. written on the receipt was "Goods sold are not refundable nor exchangeable" .. This scares me alot :( :( :(

Hi Pinkfloydrose,

Need not worry. No doubt part of the 'Terms and Conditions' for this Sale stated that 'Items purchased are Strictly Non-Refundable or Exchangeable', please note that your DD3 still carries a One Year Warranty. Which also means that you can always bring this pedal to our Service Centre at 150 Sims Drive to get it fixed for FREE. You just have to keep your purchasing Receipt as a form of Verification.

Should it be certified by our Technician that this gadget is unfixable within this Warranty Period, you are liable for an Exchange of a Brand New Piece.
Please do not hesitate to contact Adam @ 6336 7886 for more clarification after the Sale.
He will help you out! ;)

Music Invitation
Heavenscloud said:
So what was the surprise for the early birds?

You missed it? The Surprise was....*drum roll*...
We Actually Stocked 30 over additional pieces for 30 over models the night before, based on Softies Previous Request Tread started by Subversion!!! ;)
So instead of like having 1 pc of Ibanez SZ520 or 1 pc of Epiphone LP Std, which was supposed to be the usual displayed quantity, you get 2pcs with 2 different selection of colours!!! We thought this would cost lesser disappointment among the 'Tonners'! ;)

There would be a Slight Surprise on 2nd Day!!
On the 2nd day, we are also launching our brand new shipment of a Multieffect Pedal! We are keeping mum about the brand and model! But let's say it's also HALF of the actual Retail LIst Price and it's as powerful or even more powerful then GT-8!!! Be sure to check them up! ;D

Haha my bassist bought it! We went to try it out after that - and it's really awesome imo.

I got myself a semi-acoustic, finally. A Cort, fisherman pickups. I didn't get a case - and it actually rained. Urhghghh. Heart pain.

Also got a Digitech Grunge distortion pedal. A little too crunchy for me, but I think I'll get used to it. Got an adaptor, a couple of cables, strings, picks etc.

Bassist (yanni) got herself the Ibanez Bass Synth, Digitech Multi Chorus (which sounds awesome too) and some other stuff too.

We walked out of Swee Lee happy people.

so you're the ppl who went to G77 to jam later eh? nice to have met u guys. :)
hey u guys were there for very long right? did you guys see who bought that squier bass i was eyeing??? after the 2 hour queue, i made it in at 3:30 and saw only four basses left...the one i wanted 2 buy was GONE!!! :( :( :( heartpain... i had 2 stick with the peavey bass...
aaah! all thanks to travis i manage to get a Ibanez DE7, i'm that crazy fat chinese girl who wears a ugly shirt with shoulder length hair. Went there at around 10plus.. damn the queue was all the way back near the clinic. zZz.

I manage to recognise Blackmoo. Oh soo what jacket guy was Angusyoung.. how did you manage to stand the heat? I like dying while q-ing up.

HEHE.. i'm a happygirl now. Oh btw, does all the pedals have a 1year warrantee? I mean as long as we keep the receipt right?
musicinvitation said:
Need not worry. No doubt part of the 'Terms and Conditions' for this Sale stated that 'Items purchased are Strictly Non-Refundable or Exchangeable', please note that your DD3 still carries a One Year Warranty. Which also means that you can always bring this pedal to our Service Centre at 150 Sims Drive to get it fixed for FREE. You just have to keep your purchasing Receipt as a form of Verification.

Thumbs up for clearing the air up on the T&C.
musicinvitation said:
seth_drums said:
and another swee lee guy helped me get the deal back. One day must go thank him. I owe him big time..

I'm Glad you got your Drum Set! ;) Don't disturb the neighbours at night okie?? :D

Haha.. thanks.. i'll try my best not to agitate my neighbours. Which person are u? Are you the guy at the door with the specs, working in swee lee, who talked to my dad and helped me get the drum set back?



Managed to get my RG3120 from the sale yesterday. Thankfully it was still there by the time i got in around 330pm. Tested and checked it the day before. Many thanks to Subversion for the request thred (it wont be in Bras Basah otherwise), and for going down on wed :)
This was the first time ever I did the singaporean thing of queueing for a sale before it started, so I decided to bring my camera along to take some photos of the experience.

Got there at 0630h in the morning... and there was a queue already!

Along the corridor outside SL


Along the corridor outside Art Friend

When staff started arriving at about 0900h, the queue decided to move forward... but unfortunately they left all their litter behind

The ground strewn with tissue, cups, PET bottles, wrappers throughout the corridor on the way to Swee Lee

This one was very near swee lee, just outside the cafe beside SL. Disgusting.


This group sitting right behind me were very contented to throw their mcd's wrappers on the floor.

But the most frustrating part was when the queue in front of us magically grew to about twice it's size thanks to ppl like

Some guy in front of us confronted them and they had the nerve to tell us that they were there the night before when I distinctly remember them strolling in at about 0800h. If you're joining friends in front when you came late, just say so lah. Don't try to pretend you were there all the while.


This was what it looked like just before going in...


Didn't manage to get what we originally came for (Tama Stagestar), so we got a Pearl instead. But it's a really neat drumset in any case. Anyways, apart from the unpleasant part before getting in, the sale was great. Staff were attentive, helpful and friendly :) Hope things will be better next year!
Pics!!! Anyone else have pics?

I remember seeing this woman working at Swee Lee taking pictures of the crowd. Maybe we'll be at their website feature. :P