The Aftermath of Bras Basah Swee Lee Year End Sale!

haha duhx . . . im the foc entertainer for the nite!!

not to mention, ur fren & BlackMoo keep spraying water on me while I's fast asleep.
u noe that 2 small dudes amongst all the big Goliaths . . . they are the most innocent-looking guitarist ever. keiith wears a spec.
yeah..the back sure suffered...reach there at 10..joined the in ard that was it..i see people stacking up efx and taking it home like its free. The PGM 301 i was eyeing on was gone too..some kid got it and was queueing to pay for it. Only managed to get a 5 piece guitar Rock Stand,guitar strap,a blues harp. Yawnz...
anyone can update what's left at sweelee NOW?
as in, the latest time u saw the remains of the shop?

i wanted to visit the shop after my work to see what i can pick up
but it says that it closes at 7pm.

so....didnt go there, but am going to try tomorrow if time is possible
my friends said he saw them taking out a load of more dimarzio pups at around 4pm... i just walked out of the shop during then... i called them and they denied... hmm
ibanez corner all gone...
fender left a few telecasters...
a few Epiphone...
starter's pack! :D
Signatured guitars is the room still got a lot.
Percussion Set Pedvey $500!
haha... that one still have, but must talk to the counter inside the book shop.
neuro182 said:
Awesome :twisted: I thought to myself - man those dudes at the far back of the queue is gonna be disappointed man...

Glad u got the stuffs u wan too :wink:

Dont mean to disappoint U dude. U were right behind me and my group of friends and then u shifted in front. Thank the Lord that my friends didnt bash u up for cutting the queue.

U still have the cheek to say abt the disappointment of others!!

U're a weird fellow.
shred5: I'm sorry if I've cut ur queue bec everybody was lining up ahead, so I followed my bunch of frens. Hope it doesn't incur ur wrath.
neuro182 said:
shred5: I'm sorry if I've cut ur queue bec everybody was lining up ahead, so I followed my bunch of frens. Hope it doesn't incur ur wrath.

U shld be thinking b4 u did that bro.

As i said, u are fortunate that my friends didn't do anything irrational.

Just take it as a lesson learnt.

The whole world was trying to line up ahead but those ppl who came b4 U didnt or maybe cldnt get wat they wanted bcos U simply cut the queue due the excuse of "following ur friends".
Excuse me shred5. I am but one person. How many items can I buy at 1 time? Some of the people can't get wat they wanted not bec of me alone? I can't possibly take everything that all the other people wan, m i rite?

So I plead for you not to vent your frustration on me alone :wink: It's getting a little personal now seeing from the way you're coming from. No offence tho.
Ok, i'll rest the case here.

But, be fair to others too.

If u're a gentleman, just stick to where U are.