The Aftermath of Bras Basah Swee Lee Year End Sale!

After 4 hours of queue-ing round bends, railings and walkways, I managed to snag a Paiste Dimension 16" Crash. Quite sweet, luckily it matches the other AAX studio crash I have at home. Also got a cymbal stand + rack tom extention and a cheapo 22.50 splash.

Oh, btw, did anyone manage to get a glimpse of that singapore idol girl (what's her name? Short short one, abit ah lian, not Maia)? Saw her wandering around Bras Basah complex with a friend.

Time Check:

Time taken to queue to get into store: 4 hours (11am to 3pm+++)
Time taken to grab stuff: 35 minutes
Time taken to queue to pay for things: 45 minutes
Time well spent: All of it

Big thanks to Swee Lee for this mega sale. First time I spend so long queue-ing, lol.
yea!! i was expecting the queue to be gone by around afternoon but i was like WTF when i saw the queue, and there were not many guitar left!! if everyone in the queue was gonna get the remaining guitar, i figure out by the time i get in, there would be nothing in there left for me..
I got there and camped outside at 10pm plus last night. Tonned overnight. Was like 40 places back by the early morn, but made my way towards the front thanks to some of u fellow softies and a few new friends. Was getting drums and i really wanted it. some of u guys were so kind as to let this li'l 16 yr old get in front so i'd be one of the first in to grab the deal. Thank God most of you were guitarists.
Was getting a Pearl Export Radical drum kit and a Sabian AAX gospel perf set and my stool, pearl roadster. Also got HHX hats and HHXplosion crash for my friend. At first i went in run straight to the drums then the guy tell me sold, but i was the first there lar.. then somehow, they let my dad in and another swee lee guy helped me get the deal back. One day must go thank him. I owe him big time. Quite glad most of us 'tonners' got what we wanted. Hey. I don't know if some of u fellow tonners can recognise me i was that short guy in green tee shirt. Currently, i only know who Neuro182 is lar and i only recognise the rest of u all by the distinct features like colour of the tee shirts u all wore and hair. If any of u know who i am just PM me.
Wah!!!!!! the que very long......but i join the que at 7.30...was behind a malay pak cik..tired man but finally got myself a wylde overdrive n a DS-2....its was like a battle field inside the shop
Awesome :twisted: I thought to myself - man those dudes at the far back of the queue is gonna be disappointed man...

Glad u got the stuffs u wan too :wink:
yeah seth_drums...glad to see ya got the drumsets man...i was like how can the drumset be sold when u r the 1st guy to buy the ya..great to hear u got it in the end...haha...oh that white color shirt guy with tt brown bermudars..haha..ok la..some of them jus say i look like tt sly...
hello! haha my first post.
came at around 6am this morning!
had to have my mother pull me out of bed.haha.
anyway got a jimdunlop gcb-95. :) haha.
yeah no prob...add me in msn time got this kind of events again den can ton again..hahahha
ItAcHi said:
yeah seth_drums...glad to see ya got the drumsets man...i was like how can the drumset be sold when u r the 1st guy to buy the ya..great to hear u got it in the end...haha...oh that white color shirt guy with tt brown bermudars..haha..ok la..some of them jus say i look like tt sly...

u know, when i was outside the shop, i thought that i was it was Itachi....dont think u could see me but i was the malay dude with the Linkin park tee
ahhh..u r tt guy wearin LP got saw u..but i got no idea who u r.,..but now i know..hahaha
keiith said:
YAY!!! got my rg321 after 16hrs of pure hell...A BIG THANKS TO NEURO..I OWE HIM ONE :) :)

Haha this day you fought valiantly my friend. The prize is what you deserved :wink:

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