my parents aren't that supportive. my dad is ok, he was the one who got me my guitar and paid for some lessons. but when he got me my guitar and amp [b'day and x'mas presents!!] my mum just chewed him out and nagged him about giving into my 'whims'.
i guess from this she thought my interest in electric guitar is just a passing phase. she's still not supportive, a year plus on. i mean, she accepts that i WILL go for lessons sometimes, that she can't stop me cos she doesn't pay for them, but i guess she considers the electric guitar "not a real instrument" i.e. not like classical guitar or piano where you can make 'beautiful' music alone. she got really pissed when i stopped piano lessons at grade 5, but i still play the piano when i want to.
i guess in a way it's true, to really get a great sound you gotta jam. and she's not supportive of that. i recall one time i wanted to go and jam with a few friends, and she grounded me! on the spot. said she didn't 'know' those friends and wasn't going to allow me out.
so now i have a hell of a time trying to convince her to let me out when i'm carrying my guitar, if she knows i'm not on the way to guitar lessons. and cos of this i haven't been able to jam for ages!
even when i practice in my room, she's always nagging me to turn the amplifier down and telling me to study instead, because "music won't get you anywhere". her exact words. she likes Deep Purple, its probably the only rock band she likes, but she keeps telling me that i'll never be able to play like them and basically to just forget it and concentrate on studies instead. it doesn't help that im not exactly a top student either! :wink:
its tough being 16, still studying and living under my mum's roof.