support from ur parents?

IF you cant beat em' Join them!! muahaha... i got my electric guitar coz i manage psycho my dad by showing i can play deep purple stuff just like Vespa... rock on dude! and i convince my mom by playing ABBA and chicago...hehehe... MAMA MIA!!! tHATS one way though guys... other than that.. ermm...well if youre really serious.. no one in this world can stop you from making music and playing them of coz! cheers!
Hey SoulD_OuT,

I agree with you

no one in this world can stop you from making music and playing them

my parents was saying smth like "GOING TOO FAR" in my hobbies and may disrupt my studies. But, now they are overseas anyway.....AWRIGHT.... They may forbid You but They doesn't have to know... he he he
Well, doing music is much better than doing drugs or doing 'gangs'

Just a joke!!! When doing drugs or gangs, people can define you as BAD, when doing rock music, people don't know what to define you...... :twisted:

WIsh i knew you guys back then, but come on, there wasn't even internet back then.. I think moms look at image as the big thingy, when i played heavy rock music then, i would leave my hair long and wear black Tees, my mom was disgusted then, and she's still disgusted about that image. But when i went into techno and start having short hair and decent colorful clothes, i think it's the after shock or what, she was way pleased. Image is the reason why people go scrutinising the music industry so much, oh come on, why don't they scrutinise other industries like engineering, law, etc etc etc..
my parents aren't that supportive. my dad is ok, he was the one who got me my guitar and paid for some lessons. but when he got me my guitar and amp [b'day and x'mas presents!!] my mum just chewed him out and nagged him about giving into my 'whims'.

i guess from this she thought my interest in electric guitar is just a passing phase. she's still not supportive, a year plus on. i mean, she accepts that i WILL go for lessons sometimes, that she can't stop me cos she doesn't pay for them, but i guess she considers the electric guitar "not a real instrument" i.e. not like classical guitar or piano where you can make 'beautiful' music alone. she got really pissed when i stopped piano lessons at grade 5, but i still play the piano when i want to.

i guess in a way it's true, to really get a great sound you gotta jam. and she's not supportive of that. i recall one time i wanted to go and jam with a few friends, and she grounded me! on the spot. said she didn't 'know' those friends and wasn't going to allow me out.
so now i have a hell of a time trying to convince her to let me out when i'm carrying my guitar, if she knows i'm not on the way to guitar lessons. and cos of this i haven't been able to jam for ages!

even when i practice in my room, she's always nagging me to turn the amplifier down and telling me to study instead, because "music won't get you anywhere". her exact words. she likes Deep Purple, its probably the only rock band she likes, but she keeps telling me that i'll never be able to play like them and basically to just forget it and concentrate on studies instead. it doesn't help that im not exactly a top student either! :wink:

its tough being 16, still studying and living under my mum's roof.
try playing the licks from Burn, Highway Star, Stormbringer - classic Ritchie Blackmore solos of Deep Purple - who knows u might win her over after all - too bad she's not supportive yet - but she's listening to one of the guitar players/band that influenced todays modern shred styled players in a big way.
my dad used to come to me when i was playing guitar and ask me to shut up.. dissed me and fucked off.. ha ha ha dangdut and rock don't mix well.. remember that.. :wink:
i think im one of the lucky few around here... my parents are really supportive of me playing music... they even bought a second hand drumset for my band... but i play guitar.... hahaha... so, they bought me a guitar also... maybe because my dad's a musician playing in a pub and my mum used to be a singer in my dad's friend band, its a family tradition they want me to continue..... i think back then, local music was pretty much alot lifelier than now... so, they could make a living out of music....

i think music is not only about getting lots of money and being famous... but of coz, if your really good and you got good promotion, it all comes in a package. to me, its the passion to make music that matters... no matter what you play, or how good you are, even if you become broke with no money because of music, you will still love music.... even maybe in the future, u might want to earn a little bit of money from music by playing in pubs and clubs(that's my objective for the long-term future, im 15 years old btw...)...

now although my parents give me tons of support on music, they still prioritise on education. they say everybody must have a back-up profession in case the other doesnt work... i admit even my parents give me sentences which contain "we can't make it big here" or "migrate to the US after NS if your really serious about music"... but they still support me by supplying me with free guitar strings(yay!!) and other stuff as well....

sometimes parents are right... they just want good things for us... at the same time, they misjudge music as something which is a bad influence... cause maybe on mtv, they see bands with tons of tatoo, eye shadow, skimmy clothes, vulgar, sex etc.... yeah... they are very wrong about music... but sometimes we got to live with unapproval and unfairness... so, to all u guys out there who have trouble with parental support, EXPLAIN TO THEM!! and pray they will understand... good luck, dudes...
nic1327 said:
my parents aren't that supportive. my dad is ok, he was the one who got me my guitar and paid for some lessons. but when he got me my guitar and amp [b'day and x'mas presents!!] my mum just chewed him out and nagged him about giving into my 'whims'.

i guess from this she thought my interest in electric guitar is just a passing phase. she's still not supportive, a year plus on. i mean, she accepts that i WILL go for lessons sometimes, that she can't stop me cos she doesn't pay for them, but i guess she considers the electric guitar "not a real instrument" i.e. not like classical guitar or piano where you can make 'beautiful' music alone. she got really pissed when i stopped piano lessons at grade 5, but i still play the piano when i want to.

i guess in a way it's true, to really get a great sound you gotta jam. and she's not supportive of that. i recall one time i wanted to go and jam with a few friends, and she grounded me! on the spot. said she didn't 'know' those friends and wasn't going to allow me out.
so now i have a hell of a time trying to convince her to let me out when i'm carrying my guitar, if she knows i'm not on the way to guitar lessons. and cos of this i haven't been able to jam for ages!

even when i practice in my room, she's always nagging me to turn the amplifier down and telling me to study instead, because "music won't get you anywhere". her exact words. she likes Deep Purple, its probably the only rock band she likes, but she keeps telling me that i'll never be able to play like them and basically to just forget it and concentrate on studies instead. it doesn't help that im not exactly a top student either! :wink:

its tough being 16, still studying and living under my mum's roof.

Don't give up hope.

If you can't find people to jam with, do it with the CD. Plug the CD player into the line-in of your amp and play along with the song. Try to get tabs or chords for those songs, buy books or just learn to play by ear or improvise your solos disregarding the singing on the CD. These are things that I do and practices that I carry out when I have no one to jam with (which is most of the time as people my age don't jam that often, more thinking about retirement).

If the your amp doesn't have a CD line-in, just play next to your CD player. But you have to control your volume if you're palying late at night, or use headphones (although I don't like using them cos' they sound very different from the amps).

During exam times, put the guitar aside and concentrate on your studies. Get decent grades (doesn't have to be top grades) so that you can have better options when you finish secondary school.

A little bit of sacrifice can go a long way, with your parents and with your future. In just a few years time, you'll be independent enough to play your guitar with friends at Poly or whatever you choose to do. Set your priorities right now and I guarantee you that you can jam all you want or even pursue your music dreams in time to come. Who knows, you can even have a fantastic guitar collection once that decent pay check comes in as a result of your studies.

Keep the faith. 8)
got no support from parents and lil bro..
Parents even throw away my yamaha acoustic quitar...

But now...they r ok...
and i got more guitar at home... a stubborn guy...
I'm sure when we are parents, we will never do the same to our kids. But if my future kid wants to be a musician, i will advice how to and what he/she has to face on the road.
Parents of the old thinking might be convinced if you really show a passion for music. I think parental support is important in determining a band's fate because it also affects the mentality of the band member as to whether it's worth the risk !
I'm slightly lucky cause my dad likes deep purple and owns a old old old acoustic guitar. So when i first picked up the guitar, i could do nothing except C-D-G-D and i continued to play that even now. But even that my dad did not allow me to buy electric guitar. he says if i m good on acoustic then say. After that i practised tons of simple chord progression that sounded nice, he says can get electric guitars from jam studio if u got band. My mum will say listen to ur dad. I put an epiphone as my wallpaper and still did not worked. After that i went to work, earn some cash and frequently spend time at guitar shops. I told them i'll buy it with my own cash.

After i left the job, i had a chance to get my parents to bras basah. Amazingly, my dad allowed me to buy it, he even bargained with the staff there to get a free guitar stand. I wonder why...
Yeah I agree.
My parents agree to buy me a guitar... but I've not told them about my purposes for wanting one... I've told them I'm thinking of getting an electric in the future but it seems that they say nothing...

Wonder if this is a good sign...
Silence means the answer can swing either way, depending on the circumstances.

Your parents did not agree or disagree. So it's time to get on their good books and timing is crucial when you ask.

I think like it or not, I'm going to get myself an elec guitar during ns... then chuck it into some friend's house! Haha...