support from ur parents?

Hey guys,
I had that same problem when i was 19, it's been 11 yrs now. My mum used to call me mat-rocker or ah beng then, and she would be so upset when i do have biker friends coming to my place for a jam in those poly days.
However, she's really happy when i had a nerdy looking bassist whom i teamed up with once. It's like "Out of the horror of devils, there is one human being!"
Until now she's not too happy with me in music line, not becos she couldn't see talent, but becos it's difficult to survive.
What said is true, my mum saw talent when i started making softer music which she enjoyed more. Few parents will ever yield to heavy metal music. So if you ever want to please them somehow, get some pop, hokkien, cantonese or chinese music that you know they'll like and play well on it.
I believe the secret is to get yourself involved in their life, like performing for your relative's or cousin's wedding, or if there's any family gathering, volunteer to play something that you know they'll like. Only when they see that spark of talent would they feel it's right to invest in you. Took me 11 yrs to find this out!!! :lol:
i think i'm lucky or hmm issit not that lucky... i have a 3 years elder bro who is so into drumming so he got all the support from my family and certianly my bro is very good in it.. and play professionally donkey years ago. which he finally give up for a better career in the fact u are in singapore.. and left his drumming as an interests. as for me i used to idolise my brother.. since he played well .. so i start joinning military band at 14 and learn a few tricks of two from drumming.. but my life change 180 degree when one fine day my bro just pick a BASS GUITAR and a beginner bass book. and tell me, u will be my bass player ! -_-" reason hmmm i remember he say no point u learn drums when i'm already a drummer HAHAH do i sound like force into it?? why cant i play guitar or piano? and well interest develop from there i guess..and soon he tell my mum to sign me up in bass course at yamaha?!?! yah 2 years to complete the the 3 book and a new 'book' but ah never take any exam before reason i also dont know why maybe too young never plan ahead. wasted...
after that i find that i keep learning bass any never get to perform or jam with anyone before.. i have no experience at all except playing with my brother and played what he wanted me to play... woo .. ok .. but when enter poly got my good chance to form a good band where i know my two god guitarists and drummer keyboardist and 'many singers' they assist me and 'jam' played alot in events places pubs, small clubs,hotels and some contest.. but of course we are always half hearted due to commitment from school, work and many others.. so at the end of our poly life.. we stop our playing each going different ways due to army and others.. now at 23, well i still jam with my guitarists but not my band anymore cause it is so hard to gather them back.. ah .. life coming to another junction for me to decide what i want to do .. music is still my passion but playing or really get into that life again i doubt not..think it is still good to be an interests afterall .. music is great and it brings life with colors... i will certianly let my child pick it up at young age if can dont give up on music... maybe u have that problems with family or maybe the friends around u are not supporting u .. no fear there are always US who are as passion as u are into music.. so if u think u can really make it .. go ahead and dare to dream.. if u are good u are good no one can bring u down... but it is still not bad just as a simple interest or something that u know while others might not understand at all ..
i think if i ever told my mother i was in a band, she'd have a heart attack.

my parents are kinda... conservative. they believe i'm the kind of kid who listens to boybands and all those... err, regular stuff that every other typical teen listens to. my mother thinks emo/indie/rock/punk are random noise that makes no sense. can't really blame her. sometimes they don't. =X

i wish i could sway my mother (she's the more... dominant one in the family) into liking the songs my band plays. but she's just... pretty conservative, religious and set in her ways. i did try bringing up the topic of local music and talent and stuff and for some weird reason she managed to twist everything onto the path of religion.

ayee... anyway, screw that. i'm hoping to bring my mother to baybeats 2005. haha. surreptiously happen to pass by and hang out a little and let her see and take in the local music scene. she's not really heard the stuff but who knows, maybe that'll finally open her eyes.
clicktokill said:
i think if i ever told my mother i was in a band, she'd have a heart attack.

my parents are kinda... conservative. they believe i'm the kind of kid who listens to boybands and all those... err, regular stuff that every other typical teen listens to. my mother thinks emo/indie/rock/punk are random noise that makes no sense. can't really blame her. sometimes they don't. =X

i wish i could sway my mother (she's the more... dominant one in the family) into liking the songs my band plays. but she's just... pretty conservative, religious and set in her ways. i did try bringing up the topic of local music and talent and stuff and for some weird reason she managed to twist everything onto the path of religion.

ayee... anyway, screw that. i'm hoping to bring my mother to baybeats 2005. haha. surreptiously happen to pass by and hang out a little and let her see and take in the local music scene. she's not really heard the stuff but who knows, maybe that'll finally open her eyes.

good luck~! :D
clicktokill said:
i think if i ever told my mother i was in a band, she'd have a heart attack.

my parents are kinda... conservative. they believe i'm the kind of kid who listens to boybands and all those... err, regular stuff that every other typical teen listens to. my mother thinks emo/indie/rock/punk are random noise that makes no sense. can't really blame her. sometimes they don't. =X

i wish i could sway my mother (she's the more... dominant one in the family) into liking the songs my band plays. but she's just... pretty conservative, religious and set in her ways. i did try bringing up the topic of local music and talent and stuff and for some weird reason she managed to twist everything onto the path of religion.

ayee... anyway, screw that. i'm hoping to bring my mother to baybeats 2005. haha. surreptiously happen to pass by and hang out a little and let her see and take in the local music scene. she's not really heard the stuff but who knows, maybe that'll finally open her eyes.

Hi click

I can understand how your mom feels as they come from a different generation of music. If she's in her late 40s or early 50s, most of the heavy stuff would have come from Led Zep, Deep Purple and company.
Hence the current metal stuff may be too much for her.

Perhaps you can ease her into 'heavier' stuff by playing slightly mellower music from your fave bands. Avoid negative lyric content and find something more neutral. Perhaps an unplugged or more ballady number from your favourite punk rocker. Once they get to know or even like the music, it'll be easier to get her to be more tolerant (but not necessarily agreeable) with your music tastes. Once they are more tolerant, they'll learn to accept your aspirations.

I always thought that U2 stuff are good for this sort of initiation to heavier stuff for more conservative parents. If they can sit through a noisy U2 song, then they have 'hope'. U2 songs are pretty social-conscious and not about lovey dovey stuff all the time.

Hope all this helps.

regarding parents...
don't really have much to mum burnt a few of my songs been hiding stuff in the weirdest places to prevent them from getting burnt...=p...
to all those out there who's parents are totally NON SUPPORTIVE:
its all about balancing ur studies and ur passion. Its not ur parents fault. This is not canada where u can drop out of high school and form a pop punk band and get rich
BF109E said:
Hi click

I can understand how your mom feels as they come from a different generation of music. If she's in her late 40s or early 50s, most of the heavy stuff would have come from Led Zep, Deep Purple and company.
Hence the current metal stuff may be too much for her.

Perhaps you can ease her into 'heavier' stuff by playing slightly mellower music from your fave bands. Avoid negative lyric content and find something more neutral. Perhaps an unplugged or more ballady number from your favourite punk rocker. Once they get to know or even like the music, it'll be easier to get her to be more tolerant (but not necessarily agreeable) with your music tastes. Once they are more tolerant, they'll learn to accept your aspirations.

I always thought that U2 stuff are good for this sort of initiation to heavier stuff for more conservative parents. If they can sit through a noisy U2 song, then they have 'hope'. U2 songs are pretty social-conscious and not about lovey dovey stuff all the time.

Hope all this helps.


hey thanks bf. haha. i think the crux of my problem is more that... my mother doesn't really listen to music all that much. well, english ones that is. anyone else have parents who are pretty religious and feel that instead of wasting time listening to rock music its better to listen to sermons and stuff? that's my mom.

but i'll try to slowly expose her to more songs. sometimes she drops by in my room and i'm playing something mellow (i think it was vertical rush's hello, goodbye). well, response wasn't that bad. *gryn*

thanks anyway. shall try.

and my mom has no idea who led zeppelin is.
Hi click

Oic. Does your mom only listens to Mandarin/Cantonese songs? And if she does ocassionally listen to English songs, what are they? Eg pop, country..any artiste in particular? I'm not surprised she doesn't know who Led Zep is since they don't listen to English songs at all. Maybe she sent her to the 'School of Rock'...heehee.

I think she'll be ok with Elvis. So maybe you should do some familiar Elvis numbers but updated with a more rock feel to it. Who knows, it may create a change of heart.

Juz another facet....

I'm sure she'll approve if you play some Chopin...Mozart...Beethovan...Bach... (juz to name a few popular classical composers)

Moonlight Sonata is a famous, simple and melodious piece to start.

Or if your mum is that religious Christian type, maybe join the church band if it has one....get exposure too!
Well everybody have the same problem Jei. Same goes for me. Im 16 and this year happens to be my O lvls. They didn't like it when i first got my electric. And slow enough, i played a little blues, and nice tunes for them, they somehow changed their views. Now i can blast my amps and so on. Haha but still, perhaps parents think that, or rather it is true that its hard to get so called, famous in Singapore, with music that is. You see pop singers like, Steph Sun, Ah Du. You never really hear like, a Rock or Metal band... Making it big or something right? So yeah. Follow what you feel is best. To me and other people here, music is everything. And if you really like it alot, just go for it. Besides, parents have their OrhBit thinkings. Someday we will grow up. Prove to them :wink: that we can do it yeah? Lol. Good luck man.. Oh i mean. Girl. Lol.
hei dudes....same goes for parents didnt support me at first...i had to pay everything for my first electric...and i aint that rich..ahakz...and my parents keep on saying that i cant survive with music...but i didnt realli care....all i now was that i realli like the electric guitar...and i wud do anything for i pick up the guitar and started playing hotel california...haha...guess dad joined in and taught me the chords...after which he moved on to teach me other basic chords and intro me some songs from deep purple....
do u people feel useless when u see someone else doing wat u wish to do? like performing with their bands and that kind of stuff. :oops: i mean, i really feel like im so pathetic when i see that. sometimes, it'll even ruin my mood for the rest of the day.
but looks like things are going well for me recently (phew). my mum struck the lottery and got quite an amount of money. so i'm getting my sis to join and help me in psyco-ing my mum to pay for drums lesson. hehehehe :lol:
also, my mum only listens to the chinese old songs. something like from teresa teng that kind. they dun scream at me when i play the guitar, but they're just not willing to take the money out. argh. it's always money :twisted:
aw man. i don't think my parents know what i'm up to either. everything is mostly bout my sis. dun tink dey'll let me take lessons either. i mean. its enuff having someone banging on the grand 24/7. help?
Heh, Guess im kinda lucky.

My mum supports my music hobbies.

She'll even laugh at me sometimes when i headbang to some Pantera or Killswitch Engage with my bass. :lol:

She's quite cool with it. And i even get the chance to learn piano when i was young, but i stopped halfway.

My mum even wanted to go zouk with me once. No joke. :lol: