Superband top 18

teraslasch said:
J3 = gay 3 .. .. .. live is still the best!! ! ! ! ! ! ! MLB best,
j3 = gay 3
soul = gayfied
lucify = rocks
MLB = rocks
I'm glad iced milo won,
J3 are good in their vocals but too proud.

Soul is boyband, don't play instruments.
Good dance group.

Lucify too rebellious
LUCIFY - aw they rocked. should have gone further. vocally unimpressive, but the music was awesome, though it was obviously heavily influenced by the likes of x japan. their dressing is simple amazing, best without a doubt.

J3 - so-so la

Milu Bing - not bad, very catchy boyish and happy songs, mainstream

Soul - sucks, my goodness, they don't even play their own instruemtns, so how talented can they be?
why won't milo ice get a bassist, i'm sure their music would've been better with bass in it... XD

lucify is cool... bringing x japan to singapore.

j3 looks gay... gay name also

soul... boyband(no comments)
I wonder if Milo will find milo peng be their spokesman :lol:

and whether those cosmetic companies will get Lucify to be their spokesman :lol:
teraslasch said:
J3 = gay 3 .. .. .. live is still the best!! ! ! ! ! ! ! MLB best,
j3 = gay 3
soul = gayfied
lucify = rocks
MLB = rocks

hmm, how would you feel if, people go around forums calling you or your band gay (if you have a band)
J3 gay? What a remark... :?

Have you even heard what their music is about?

Vocally, this is the band that truely knows what vocal harmony is all about.

Their jazz version of "Xiao Wei" is probably the best song performed during the finals. All the judges were very impressed by it.

Instrument-wise, the guitarist and the keyboardist can really play, their skills are clearly displayed week after week during the long stretch of this competition.

The winner is decided 100% by voting. The reason why J3 did not win is simple: because they don't have enough votes.

Not every voters vote based on the right reasons.
i'm glad milo peng won.
J3 vocals was great. better than milo but each has their uniqueness i guess

man, don't be bias against soul just because they don't play instruments
they can dance. Not every guitarist and drummers can dance as well as them.

lucify, hmmm what can i say. musically is nice. but their image don't suit what they are playing that's all.

i still think QINOBE is the best!
they are really great on stage.
sqoobs said:
The winner is decided 100% by voting. The reason why J3 did not win is simple: because they don't have enough votes.

Not every voters vote based on the right reasons.

so does it comes down the being able to sell out again?
like the other thread they were discussing about
sqoobs said:
Not every voters vote based on the right reasons.
what is your definition of "right reasons" in this case? If you think J3 is your superband and you think they are damn good and "if they win, it is right". Well , then my definition of "right" would be that either Lucify or Milo Pengz win. There is no right/wrong reasons for voting for someone you like.
The number of votes is related to future album sales. More votes means more pple will be more willing to spend their money on the winner's 1st album.

MLB has the highest number of votes, their initial album sales results will be the same. Of course, provided they do record a good album, that's the next thing they have to prove that they can play and sing well. So far, we've been hearing covers. It will be interesting to hear how good they sound when they do their own originals, or, doing songs written by some well-known composers.

What I meant by "voting for the right reasons" is inline with what scores the judges gave every week for each band after every performance.

After the "Xiao Wei" test, all judges voted for J3, doesn't this speak of something? What if the judges' marks are involved in the finals? I believe it will affect the overall score on the 4 bands.

J3 and Soul are the bands that stayed thru' out the whole competition. They were never voted out at any stages. Lucify brought the presence of JRock to a new high locally. J3 should have won. Soul can dance. But MLB sells. That's life.

Yes. I support J3. But I had never use my phone to vote for them... :lol:
I hoped to see Lucify and Milu Bing in the final 2...would have been much more exciting...but glad to see Milu Bing win...most consistent among the 4 bands...
True, Soul and J3 didn't drop out of the competition throughout.
Both are good. In terms of vocals, J3 are the strongest.

Probably the crowd loved MIB becos they are lovable;
especially the drummer, the keyboardist blur blur but cute
and of course the specky lead singer.

Lucify is the only full band with all the rock and roll instruments,
what they lack is personality to win the crowd votes.
Different people have their own views, and i don't see why the audiences should agree with the judges and vote "rightly". :lol:

"Yes. I support J3. But I had never use my phone to vote for them..."
That is the reason why your fav. band might lose. Anyway, all these are money-making schemes in the first place. To vote or not, is really up to you, but if your fav. band loses, don complain.
newbie100 said:
Lucify is the only full band with all the rock and roll instruments, what they lack is personality to win the crowd votes.

I disagree. I say what they lack is the support of mainstream people liking visual kei. :lol: most of my frens n cousins say they look gay 8O

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