New member
Really sounded horrible heh. its mediacorps fault!
I'm glad iced milo won,teraslasch said:J3 = gay 3 .. .. .. live is still the best!! ! ! ! ! ! ! MLB best,
j3 = gay 3
soul = gayfied
lucify = rocks
MLB = rocks
teraslasch said:J3 = gay 3 .. .. .. live is still the best!! ! ! ! ! ! ! MLB best,
j3 = gay 3
soul = gayfied
lucify = rocks
MLB = rocks
sqoobs said:The winner is decided 100% by voting. The reason why J3 did not win is simple: because they don't have enough votes.
Not every voters vote based on the right reasons.
what is your definition of "right reasons" in this case? If you think J3 is your superband and you think they are damn good and "if they win, it is right". Well , then my definition of "right" would be that either Lucify or Milo Pengz win. There is no right/wrong reasons for voting for someone you like.sqoobs said:Not every voters vote based on the right reasons.
newbie100 said:Lucify is the only full band with all the rock and roll instruments, what they lack is personality to win the crowd votes.