Star Wars Ep III- anticipations?

10000 languages my u gotta be some master linguist....anyways just came back from watching....haf to say very very disappointed.
wangdexian just means that R2D2 is a perv :lol:

wa, some ppl happy, some ppl not... mixed reactions. but nevertheless, i still must watch! :D
lol ..

i m watching today ..

cant wait to see the wookies open a can of hairy whupass on the clone troopers ..

i m dressing up as a JEDI to go watch ...
Saw Revenge of the Sith last nite. It was a cool movie. Definitely better than Ep I & II but nothing awe-inspiring. Cos no twist no surprises la. We all know the story so basically we were just going thru the motions. Emotionally the movie didnt connect for me. u feel sorry for some of the characters at some point but u arent like sad, crying buckets (i should know, i usually cry buckets at movies). Better bet is to get the graphic novel (comic) which was based on the movie but released earlier. It was more violent in the comic wif some horrifying scenes. Makes me wonder if our censors snipped away anything for dat PG rating... or George Lucas did the snipping himself. Hmmm, I forsee a Director's cut, extended version hitting the market soon!

pssst. spoiler below:

not many wookies scenes....
I read reviews that the characterisation in the movie adaption novel is far better... but nothing is better than seeing a lightsaber duel on screen...

watched it on tues too...

Spolier no. 2:

Man, there was this line which had me and my fren laughing like crazy: "You are breaking my heart..."

It's as bad or worse than Sam L. "I'm a badass mofo" Jackson's "The party's over" when he crashed Count Dooku's viewing balcony in Episode 2? WTF? Is this like fooken Shaft or something...?
woohoo, just got back from the movie... nice nice! aiyah kinda biased point of view, i like every star wars movie, but this is definately better than ep 1 and 2! listening to the soundtrack gave me memories of the old movies... yeah :D kinda cool when you see owen lars leaning on his leg and staring at the setting tatooine sun... just like luke did in a new hope. reminiscence! :roll:


anyone know more about obi wan communicating with qui gon? because at the end yoda said something about teaching him how to... lol.
mitth said:
anyone know more about obi wan communicating with qui gon? because at the end yoda said something about teaching him how to... lol.

For this info, must go and read the novels after episode III... George Lucas likes to create loopholes for writers to leave it to their own imaginations to continue the story.

I've watched the movie and I like it overall.. Kinda very dark compared to the rest of the series. What I don't like is the simplicity of Anakin giving in to the dark side..IMO so easy.. Kill Mace Windu and then succumb to Palpatine.. Anyone one has read the novels should know that it is not easy to become a Sith apparentice. Have to go through a lot of trials and tribulations like Darth Maul.

Nevertheless, Anakin's fear of losing Padme is his main reason to fell to the dark side but its just so simple. Maybe George Lucas could have portray a much better scenario.
yeah man.. i felt that anakin just fell to the bad side too suddenly. one moment he regrets the death of mace windu and the next, he's groveling at palpatine's feet. no sign or show of internal conflict of conscience, nothing. felt a bit too fast and unnatural there for me.

i was looking throughout the show for barriss offee and luminara unduli. anyone spot them? :P
For me.. the most shocking death was the way Ki Adi Mundi died.. So sad sia.. He's my fav jedi after Corran Horn.. kena zap by laser like dat 8O ..
haha... the jedis die damn sad la... esp the jedi younglings! so cute then die... :cry: anakin that bastard! lol. yea his conversion to the dark side was abrupt... but i guess he really was damn angry when he thought padme led obi wan to mustafar (sp?) to kill him.

Eh btw does anyone know the name of the female jedi who got killed by the clone troopers in the place that looks like a jungle, with many funny coloured trees? the female jedi that didn't even have a chance to put up a fight... tio backstab and then shot like hell. i hope you know what im talking about :?
Yup.. I know which jedi u r talking abt but unfortunately, can't remember her names sia.. :smt022 So sad.. SOB!!!
ah .. the massacare of the JEDI temple ...


mega spoiler here ..

i think the scene where there was opera music ... anakin just sit down there and deliberate .. then the setting sun over courscant

VERY VERY Poignant scene.

the silence + the light music + brooding anakin . change the entire mood of the film. very pivotal movement. VERY VERY classy and neat film technique. EXCELLENT directing by george lucas. this scene alone is very very well done.

remember : the earlier part we saw anakin and obi-wan being very chummy. the mood was very very light hearted.. in fact .. funny... especially R2D2 and all that.

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