Star Wars Ep III- anticipations?

stars said:
i m dressing up as a JEDI to go watch ...

you didnt happened to watched the thurs 10.45am show at orchard cineleisure ? saw a few jedis there.
Hey, I also think that Anakin went sith so easily.
but as old Yoda says, "clouded, the mind of young Anakin has become".

I like to think that Palpatine used the sith version of the Jedi mind trick. :P

I was singing the Weird Al Anakin song when the intro rolled by... :roll:

I think they reused some lines and scenes though, had some dejavu. Like the "search you feelings, you know it's true" and the ending scene with the two suns of tatooine setting.

If you want to see it, go to the toilet in the beginning. It's pretty long...I had to go in the middle. :?
soft said:
you didnt happened to watched the thurs 10.45am show at orchard cineleisure ?

nah i was at tampines ... my cloak is blue .. not brown .. lol look more like inbetween half jedi half sith lol :P rogue jedi ?
soft said:
you didnt happened to watched the thurs 10.45am show at orchard cineleisure ? saw a few jedis there.

Did saw some chewbacca's too at Orchard cineleisure :lol: :lol: :lol:
=/ Yoda was damn cute lor. Hahahahaha

Hop here and there. Other episodes he like not much actions. Tsk.

Did you notice his lightsabre was like half of the sith's? =.="
I was thinkin abt his lightsabre length issue sometime back. Hes about 1/3 the height of Shorty Skywalker. So imagine if he used Darth's sabre.... He'll look damn cartoon.

If i had my way, i'd invent a Light-Whip about 30 feet long. See which Jedi can get close to me. But actually, i think i'd decapitate myself before anything else happens :(
AHAHAHAHAA whip!!! woot. nice leh. cna imagine. swing around like some mad dog woohoo. reminds me of general grevious the er... 2 hand swinging fan like light sabre. -.-" long name wahahahaha.

but he looks damn cartoon already, with that tiny lightsabre. i mean yoda! =/
General Grevious is probably the worse villain I've ever seen. IMO he has no impact on the movie at all except for the fact that with his demise, the war would finally be over..

In the Star Wars newletter, General Grevious is portrayed as a brute and vicious droid that hunt Jedi as sport..

In the movie, he's portrayed as a "always-coughing" leader of the droid army that was beaten by Obi_wan in less than 5mins after losing each arms..

Nevertheless I enjoyed his humor....
What the hell is that A general like Griveous..coughing like a Tuberclosis patient !! Suddenly picks up energy, 4 light sabers in 4 mech. arms, tend to fight like hell and falling cheaply for Obi-wan-kenobi !!!
The whole show was rushed....i guess Mr Lucas had to squeeze in the time and budget.if u realised..they kinda overused graphic animations abit too much.


the lady jedi i tink is called Ki Adi Amundi

Plo Koon was shot from air 8O my fav jedi shot from air!@?!?!?

When palpatine initiated order 66 i was lyk OMFG U _(*#@ *_(!!!!!

but still my fav was that kid hu saved bail organa!so heroic...better den anakin anyday!lol :lol:

i want more... :cry:
ah yah. so sad. that lil boy :(

mmm hahaha but episode 3 damn funny wot. R2D2 kana kick by this droid or something LOL cause one of them wanted to touch R2, then he shock it, then kana kick HAHAHAHA
Hans_Zimmer said:
What the hell is that A general like Griveous..coughing like a Tuberclosis patient !! Suddenly picks up energy, 4 light sabers in 4 mech. arms, tend to fight like hell and falling cheaply for Obi-wan-kenobi !!!

Seems like those who side with the siths get asthma or other breathing problems.

Grievous has a strange fighting style though. reminds of that quote from the simpsons "I'm just going to swing my arms like this and walk towards you. If you get hit, it's your own fault!".

Noticed how many people got their hands choped off in the whole 6-logy (how do you call it? sexology? :smt017 )?

List of people that got their hands amputated (sorry if I miss anyone):

Luke Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker (twice! once as vader)
General Grievous (I guess it can be good to have 4 arms)
Count Dokuu
Mace Windu
well chopping off the hand is the only way to get the sabres off them mah. apart from chopping their legs which is harder.

except that stupid anakin jump to the higher grd. then -swing- both legs gone.
well, he then also lost the other arm as well.

So he first lost an arm, got it replaced. Then he lost both his legs, an arm, got his lungs crushed (and his silky smooth hair...) still managed to get them replaced. In the end he got his arm chopped off again by his son.

Is he enjoying all this?

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