Star Wars Ep III- anticipations?

haha, aayla secura is my favourite jedi :lol:

general grevious is constantly coughing because his lungs were crushed by mace windu... thats what my friend told me.
it seems that Episode III contains essential materials to pave the way for the fourth instalment of the saga but i'm rather unhappy with the weak dialogue & superficial coverage of the wookies-droids battle.

necessary this Episode III is, befitting prequel ending it is not.
i hope they'll make the the movie bout those vongs =) or is it possible that they'll do a remake on epi IV?
not anakin...

i tink he meant general the cartoons mace windu crushed general grievous's lungs during a fight...i tink...
subversion said:
it seems that Episode III contains essential materials to pave the way for the fourth instalment of the saga

haha i agree with u bro sub on the wookie- droid part

less than 1 min of wookie whupass on droids .. :(

the clone commander wearing camofatigues was uber cool though

hmmz ... what spoilt the first part was the rather cheesy dialogue of the droids.
note that in both episode I and II the droids could speak , but spoke minimally, only to give orders or directions to characters, serving as stage device.

but now the droids can talk and personally i find tt really really annoying ( they talk far too much , they are supposed to be killing machines damnit , not wimpy , indecisive creatures of fear)

but the scene which R2D2 attempts to electrocute a super battle droid and is kicked is really funny
iansoh said:
anakin got his lungs crushed meh? when?

Anakin also got his lungs crushed somehow when his legs and arm got chopped off. That's why he wears the armoured chestplate as vader.
One of the most breathtaking moment for me in the movie was at the last part..

When Anakin had became Darth Vader, those first words were the grail sia.. I thought in this new movie, Darth Vader's voice would be different.

But when the familiar voice came out, those boomy James Earl Jones tones, I was so relief.. Brought back memories!!! 8)
Actually, in the Clone Wars series, General Grievous was escaping after failing to kidnap Palpatine. Mace Windu and Yoda caught up with him, and just before Grievous boarded his fighter jet, he looked back and tried to duel with Mace. Mace Windu used Force Grip to crush his ribs, and hence the damage to his lungs. He escaped nevertheless.. should have killed him then. Save Obi-Wan all the trouble..
Hey .. for those who are interested in knowing more bout the Jedi's history etc ... and even some plot for episodes 7,8 and 9 can refer to the link below ... though i really wonder if it's true the Lucas will continue in making more movies after earning so much $$ ....
Somangel said:
Hey .. for those who are interested in knowing more bout the Jedi's history etc ... and even some plot for episodes 7,8 and 9 can refer to the link below ... though i really wonder if it's true the Lucas will continue in making more movies after earning so much $$ ....

IMO, these scripts are good but don't think that George Lucas will accept it..

I've read the scripts and a big thanxx for bro Somangel for attaching the links.

However, in script7, the first encounter that the Dark Jedi had was with Anakin Solo and Ben Skywalker... Hmm...

Anakin Solo died in the novel Star By Star, which was the saddest part of Han Solo and Leia's life. By making a movie with a dead character coming back to life in another medium of the Star Wars series, will cause disturbance in the Force..

Maybe,if the script writers had read the novel, they would substitute with another Jedi.

I also die die want another Star Wars movie after the Saga but by the amount of comics and books out there, its just not possible.

If U were to observe how Lucas does this Star Wars thingy, most of the comic and books will cover the post ROAJ while leaving the Pre ANH to Lucas himself.. Got the picture?
ha ok thanx for enlightening me hee ...
anyway some more links for some funny stuff of starwars ..

how did Lucas get his idea bout star wars ? check it out here !

the ever-famous hokkien version of the series ..

in a store far far away ...

ha .. ok .. other funny stuff i came across that has nothing to do with star wars .... nontheless still funny hee ...

funny guy acting out a song ...

Hokkien LOTR
i have to say.. i felt danm cheated... The movie was supposed to be more EVIL man..!!! i wasnt feeling the evil!! not happy with the movie, the transition of anakin to darth vader wasnt at all majestic in any way..

Anakin: what have i done!!
Palpatine: Join Me
Anakin: yes master

i have to say some scenes had the evil streak, but! the ending should have been darth vader looking at the death star and destroying some planet just for fun or something more evil man... its supposed to be the revenge of the sith.. I WANT MY 9.50 BACK!!!!

Non starwars fan, go watch the movie you will love it.. if your a starwars fan, and you follow the story, i suggest you give this one a miss
erm bro ? death star wasnt finished till episode 4 .. even then they had just finished death star and were taking it for trials.. took 30 years to construct... its as big as moon leh

dun expect instant death star :P

just add boilnig water wait 5 mins and a huge death star ???
star wars epi. III was a total disappointment.
the graphics was good, love the light sabers but it juzz miss out this "thing".
and, the movie is too draggy, too much talking.
in all, it was juzz okok for me.

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