Star Wars Ep III- anticipations?

I got it for free. HAHAHAHAHHAHA.

But shit man, anakin's transition was... aburpt, to say the least.

Darth Vader: Noooooooooooooooooooo!

Anyone else think that's out of character? Not to mention the state of the art anticlimax ending, and supergay sounding superdroids. Funny how the Jedi die so easily.

But other than that, it was an excellent movie. I especially like the "Execute Order 66" part. Really made you feel sad. And R2D2 zapping that SBD and getting kicked... that was world class.
Watched it for free too liao... But feel that I've wasted 2 of my free tickets sia..
Was expecting something out of the ordinary. Story base wise ok, can understand, but... I don't know, there's just something missing from the movie.. Of course, the final battle was awesome nonetheless...
Yeah it was a good movie, just that certain aspects were lacking.

I'm waiting for a 6 movie star wars marathon though. I'm definitely gonna go. Who's up for it?
A more subtle display of sorrow would have done nicely.

On another note, I'm glad the owner of that immortal voice is still around to finish the saga.
Yoda too.

But i was afraid Darth Vader would sound gay... glad he didnt.

Oh yeah. Yoda in the movie mentioned communicating with Qui Gon Jinn. Exactly where does Qui Gon Jinn figure in the saga, apart from the first movie?
that's exactly what I pondered abt at the end of the show. After a few moments, the answer struck me like a ton of bricks:

That piece of information told us that the light side of the force has the power to grant immortality. Contrary to what palpatine said to anakin, which largely led to his conversion. it is cruel irony indeed.
he doesn't. the purpose of Yoda's statement was simply to tell us that it is the light side that can grant immortality, and anakin had been taken for a ride.
the post epi III to Epi IV time line would be covered by a new animation series/ TV series of obi wan

i heard this from some uber star wars fans. this is because the clone wars (animated show to bridge epi 2 - epi 3 , was suprsingly , a massive hit amongst the older generation star wars fan , esp those in their 40s 50s 60s )

it explains how obi wan learnt the skill of being one with the force from qui gon jinn.

one thing i cant understand is . qui gon jinn is one with the force right ?

he died on naboo. why does yoda say qui gon's spirit resides on tantoonine (pardon my sp.) and is seemingly bound to a planet when in epi VI , we see yoda , obi wan and anakin happily appearing to luke in the force , not bound by planetary differences ?

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