Star Wars Ep III- anticipations?

corran horn! the good old days of rogue squadron... :D

ahhhh the novels. only read parts of the rogue squadron series, jedi academy and yuzahn vong... haha.

i think yoda only fled to dagobah becuase he and obi wan were the only 2 jedis left, after anakin killed the rest :?
Yes Frummer.. I agree with you. But if u were to read carefully, Not more than one apperentice.. Meaning, cannot have more than one student per session lar.. After the apperentice have graduated, he's able to take in one more.. But not more than one..

i don't want to reveal any spoilers here just a hint, Yoda's apperentice before Luke was not a jedi. Meaning he was a Force adept but did not become a jedi because Yoda has already forseen Luke coming and had already dedicated his final years to teach Luke..

Puzzling right?? A force adept but not a jedi?? Its just like having a bike/car license but don't have any vehicles to drive. Same goes for the above. Ability to use the Force but don't know how to apply it.

Give u guys a hint about this guy.. Go and read up the Star Wars novel Spectre of the Past and Vision of the Future.. All the answer is in there...

May the Force be with you
Nope.. He's not a character in any of the movies.. But, he's a very important character in both of the novels because even though he made a cameo apeearance, the impact on the readers is great. Because from the description on how Yoda desperately teaches him the way of the Force and how he turns to the dark side..

Anyway, the final clue would be.. this guy is Talon Karrde's mentor/Teacher/boss...

For those who don't know who Talon Karrde is, he's the guy responsible for Luke and Mara Jade's nuptiality...

Have Fun and May the Force be with you...
mitth said:
corran horn! the good old days of rogue squadron... :D

Corran Horn is cool. I love reading his lightsaber duels. The only one with the silvery almost white blade, which can extend to double it's length.

Can't wait for Episode 3 though. Gonna watch it in the morning, when all the kids are in school and the adults at work :)
Frummer said:
i noe that count dooku was once taught by yoda...
luke skywalker the second i thought...hmm...

count dooku died

so technically its OK right ? qui gon nearly too anakin as his disciple but he croaked before he could. besides , obi wan was ready to become knight wad. after a apprentice pass the trials the master can take a another apprentice wad
my fav character is the

WOOKIE -chewbacca

weighing in at sometihng like 900 pounds

standing at 2 meters tall

great reflexes

excellent hand eye coordination

big fuzzy and cute

and with enough strength to rip your arm out of its socket

and always a winner at chess(like mostly partially because of the arm ripping ability)

plus enough chest hair to look great hot and sexy on any men's mag and seduce the ladies

its.... CHEWBACCA !
LoL. I always wondered how Chewbacca manages to use a tiny blaster pistol in the trilogy. Accurate as well.
My fav weapon other than lightsabers is bowcaster....

Simply deffective and deadly!!!

One Shot One Kill
too bad he died in the novels :(

damn u pooo! i so wanna watch... stupid school. lol. gahhh.

shred 5... is the guy's name Jorj Car'das? heh. did a search on the star wars webbie databank.

anw, my fav char would be Thrawn! one hell of a tactician... ahhh. :D
Lol organise a star wars fan pon >?

not tt i love ponning school ( ok i do but ah ... its star wars for goodness sake , how to not pon ?)

i mean , its the last of the triology prequels and the end if there is no episodes 7 8 9 . i heard from a fren episode 7 8 9 will be TV movies / serials ... so no more movies ?

anyway , just like to say , i love wookies, if i were a judge at the mr hairy universe contest, i ll give the wookie the top prize without even looking ( i might lose my arm if i dont)
mitth said:
shred 5... is the guy's name Jorj Car'das? heh. did a search on the star wars webbie databank.

YEAH!!! BINGO!!!!!

U are a STAR WARS FREAK like me!!!

The villanous character that I like most would be....

The despicable Nom Anor... Such Evil, such vile, such treachery...

Because of him.. Chewbacca died.. because of him, Anakin Solo died...

But he's cool... just like muah

beam me up Scotty
haha...i dunno so much stuff n call myself a star wars fan...shame on myself.haha.

by any chance the star wars games storyline a part of the whole star wars story? u tink george luca is gonna make episode 7,8,9?...hmm...the unexplored territory stuff...
frummer dun worry, i didnt noe that until i checked the webbie :lol:

yeah, some games are connected... like the dark forces and mysteries of the sith series... which led on to jk2. these games featured kyle katarn and mara jade. ahhh. cool games, always freaked me out when i was a kid exploring those sith temples :roll:
haha...i luv joining the dark side...

choke+look up+force jump+let go = jedi choke slam!! :lol:

i wonder if theres a model for kyle/jade's craft the raven...its really beautiful man...
Yo Frummer..

There's no need to be ashamed about anything..

I also like Star Wars very deep deep.. But I don't buy any of their toys. Even though there are times when the sight of a full scale Millenium Falcon threatens the very existence of the money in my pocket..

Its how much u can be deeply involve in the the Star Wars thingy that really matters.. There are fanatics who collect only figurines but never read the novels.. and there are many more..

But, all of us share one thing in common...




And May The Force Be With You..
I also like Star Wars very deep deep.. But I don't buy any of their toys. Even though there are times when the sight of a full scale Millenium Falcon threatens the very existence of the money in my pocket..

I think the best Star Wars toys are the ones lego churns out. So far, i only own a Lego B-wing. And a non lego big scale x-wing. The millenium falcon from lego looks really really good, but it's so expensive, i forgo it and spend the cash for GAS.

Note to hardcore Star Wars Lego collectors: If you can't find the Lego toys in stores, try the airport. After you check in. They've got quite a good selection, stock never goes down.

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